Minggu, 30 Oktober 2016

Acupuncture and Bone Cancer

Bone cancer is one of many kind of cancer. As we know, cancer is type of tumor that consider malignant. Tumor that grow in bone can be benign or malignant. Therefore, bone cancer is malignant tumor that grow at bones. This tumor that grow at bones could be a primary cancer or metastasis cancer. Primary bone cancer is cancer that originates at bones while metastasis cancer is cancer that come from many other part of human body. [note]Bone Cancer, National Cancer Institute,, http://www.cancer.gov/types/bone/bone-fact-sheet[/note]  







Like many other cancers, pain is usually the most common symptom that will be experienced by the sufferer of bone cancer. Bone cancer can make the sufferer feel the pain because as the tumor or the cancer grow it will destruct the bone tissue surrounding. [note]Bone Cancer - Symptoms and Signs, Approved by the Cancer.Net Editorial Board, 05/2016, http://www.cancer.net/cancer-types/bone-cancer/symptoms-and-signs[/note] Other symptoms that may be arise are swelling, joint swelling or stiffness, or limping. Not only feel the pain, sometimes the cancer also can make the sufferer unable to perform many physical movement. If you experienced one or any above symptom, you should consul to your doctor immediately  


Just like many other cancer, the reason why someone get cancer and somebody else doesn’t is unclear. It is believed that DNA chain broken could be the reason behind cancer. People with long history of inflammatory disease is at higher risk of developing such cancer. [note]Bone Cancer: Causes, Symptoms and Treatments, Written by Christian Nordqvist, Last updated: Mon 7 September 2015, http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/171372.php[/note] Other risk factor that could be the reason of this disease would be smoking habit and heredity factor.  


Related Acupuncture Points : GB30 Acupuncture treatment for Bone Cancer When applied earlier or at early stage, acupuncture can effectively reducing malignant bone tumor growth. It is also believed that acupuncture can reduce the risk of spreading of bone cancer to the other organ, for example to the lung. Acupuncture can heal the bone tumor by reducing the inflammation. Both type of true acupuncture and sham acupuncture can be applied to cure the bone cancer. When at use, these two types of treatment will targeting the acupoint of ST36 [note]Acupuncture for Bone Cancer Tumors & Metastasis Discovery, 06 September 2013, http://www.healthcmi.com/Acupuncture-Continuing-Education-News/820-bonecancerst36[/note] Not only reducing inflammation, acupuncture can also down-regulate pain, reduce nausea and vomiting and reduce fatigue.

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