The most common symptom of the hemochromatosis.are chronic fatigue and joint pain. The more specific symptoms that is regarded as the sign of hemochromatosis is the pain at the knuckles of the pointer and middle finger. Other symptoms that might be the sign of hemochromatosis are lack of energy, abdominal pain, loss of sex drive, and Irregular heart beat. [note]Symptoms of Hemochromatosis,,[/note]
Hemochromatosis is mostly caused by the gene mutation. The gene that get mutated was gene HFE. This gene is responsible for human body ability to absorbs iron from food that we eat. Bad news is that this mutation can be passed from parents to children. To know whether somebody has developed the gene mutation or not, genetic testing must be performed. [note]Diseases and Conditions : Hemochromatosis,,[/note]
Related Acupuncture Points : UB23 UB25 DU4 DU3 UB18 UB17 UB20 SP9 ST40 UB40 GB31 LIV2 LI4 KI6 GB34 LI11 Acupuncture Treatment For Hemochromatosis Chinese medicine practise named the disorder of Hemochromatosis as xue se bing or blood color disease. This disease is characterized by the black color of kidney. It is the kidney deficiency and blood statis that cause this disease. It is also combined with disturbance in liver function. The treatment for this disease is focusing on improve the function of kidney and clearing any stagnation. The treatment pattern for this disease are : 1. Liver and kidney deficiency and blood stasis Treatment will aim to improve the liver and kidney function and also improving blood circulation. 2. Improve the yang of kidney and spleen combined with removing blood stasis. Treatment will aim to warming and nourishing the spleen and kidney. And also remove the stagnasis and improving blood circulation. 3. Dysfunction of liver and blood stagnation Treatment given will try to cure the liver and strengthening the qi. And also remove the stagnasis and improving blood circulation. [note]Hemochromatosis and Chinese Medicine -[/note]
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