Jumat, 07 April 2017

Acupuncture and Gynecomastia

Gynecomastia is a disorder that make male breast getting enlarged. This is actually a disorder of the endocrine system. This enlarged breast is considered as non cancerous growth. This disorder is sometimes regarded as temporary due to maternal hormones and hormonal changes during puberty. [note]Gynecomastia - Wikipedia, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gynecomastia[/note]  




Sign and symptoms of gynecomastia are : - Male breat enlargement with soft, compressible, and mobile subcutaneous chest tissue palpated under the areola of the nipple in contrast to softer fatty tissue - Increase of the areola diameter - Chest tissue asymmetry [note]Gynecomastia Symptoms, Treatment, Causes, http://www.medicinenet.com/gynecomastia/page2.htm[/note]  


The cause of gynecomastia including : - ratio of estrogens to androgens mediated by an increase in estrogen production, a decrease in androgen production, or a combination of these two factors - Certain health condition - Certain medication - Chronic disease - Tumors [note]Enlarged breasts in men (gynecomastia) Symptoms and causes, http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/gynecomastia/symptoms-causes/dxc-20257772[/note]  


Related Acupuncture Points : KI3, GB23, GB28 Acupuncture Treatment For Gynecomastia In treating the patient, acupuncturist must know the pattern of the disease before performing treatment action. Gynecomastia, which is a male disorder have the following disease pattern : 1. Kidney yang deficiency 2. Yin and blood deficiency 3. Qi, blood, and phlegm statis 4. Upper jiao qi stagnation with phlegm obstruction [note]Gynecomastia - Chinese herbs, Chinese medicine, Acupuncture, http://www.americandragon.com/conditions/Gynecomastia.html[/note]  

Acupuncture and Diaper Rash

Diaper rash is also called as Irritant diaper dermatitis. It is a skin rashes that happen in the diaper area. The characteristics of this skin disorder is grouped patches of erythema and scaling. The name diaper rash does not mean that the rash is happen due to the diaper itself, but it is because of the materials trapped by the diaper. When there is fungal origin involved, then it is called diaper candidiasis. [note]Irritant diaper dermatitis - Wikipedia, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Irritant_diaper_dermatitis[/note]  




Symptoms of diaper rash are : - Red and tender looking skin in the diaper area, which are buttocks, thighs and genitals. - Baby looked uncomfortable - Crying baby due to unpleasant feeling [note]Diaper rash Symptoms - Mayo Clinic, http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/diaper-rash/basics/symptoms/con-20019220[/note]  


Diaper rash is caused by Skin exposure to the prolonged wetness by urine and feces. This wetness make skin PH increased which in turn make the stratum corneum breakdown. Other cause that can make diaper rash are diarrhea, frequent stools, tight diapers, ammonia overexposure, or allergic reactions. [note]Diaper rash | BabyCenter, https://www.babycenter.com/0_diaper-rash_81.bc[/note]  


Related Acupuncture Points : Lung, LI, and PC6 Acupuncture Treatment For Diaper Rash Acupuncture can be an effective treatment for disease in babies and kids. However. it is not easy to perform acupuncture treatment to the babies and kids. One of the disorder that can be cured effectively by acupuncture treatment is diaper rash. The acupunture treatment for diaper rash targeting acupoints in lung, large intestine, and Pericardium. Acupuncture treatment for babies perform using small needle which is called shonishin. [note]Chinese Medicine for Babies and Kids- by Mari Kubota - Oakland, http://oaklandacupunctureproject.com/2012/09/chinese-medicine-for-babies-and-kids-by-mari-kubota/[/note]  

Acupuncture and Genital Warts

Genital wart is a manifestation of the infection by Human Papilloma Virus or HPV. Actually, it is not all infected person will develop warts. HPV is a very common virus which infect human, especially if they are a sexually active person. Genital wart could be manifest as single wart or as a multiple wart. [note]Genital wart - Wikipedia, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genital_wart[/note]  




The symptoms of genital wart is the existence of warts in human body, especially at genital area. Symptoms of genital warts could be severe case of external genital warts on female, severe case of genital warts on male and small conylomata on testicles. [note]Genital Warts: Symptoms, Causes, and Complications - Healthline, http://www.healthline.com/health/std/genital-warts[/note]  


The cause of genital warts is infection by human papilloma virus. This kind of virus being transmitted by sexual penetrative action. Although less common, but the virus also can be transmitted via non sexual activity. Using condom is said to be an effective way to prevent the transmission. [note]Genital warts Symptoms and causes - Mayo Clinic, http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/genital-warts/symptoms-causes/dxc-20265518[/note]  


Related Acupuncture Points : LI4, LI11, SP6, St36 Acupuncture Treatment For Genital Warts Before performing any acupuncture treatment, acupuncturist must know the pattern of the disease. Only after knowing the pattern, then acupuncturist can perform the right treatment. According to the chinese traditional treatment method, the disease of genital warts have the following disease pattern : - Wind dampness or wind heat - Wind dampness with phlegm - Liver attacks the lungs with spleen dampness - Damp heat in large intestine - Damp heat with blood stagnation in the lower jiao - Blood deficiency with heat - Blood stasis [note]Genital Warts (HPV) - Chinese herbs, Chinese medicine, Acupuncture, http://www.americandragon.com/conditions/GenitalWarts.html[/note]  

Acupuncture and Mesothelioma

Mesothelioma is a type of cancer that develops in the mesothelium. Mesothelium is a thin layer of tissue that wrap many internal organs. This type of cancer mostly develop at the mesothelium of lungs and chest wall. Other place that mesothelioma can originate are abdomen lining, heart sac or testicle sac. [note]Mesothelioma - Wikipedia, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mesothelioma[/note]  




Symptoms of mesothelioma including : - Shortness of breath - Swollen abdomen - Pain at chest wall - Cough - Tired feeling - Weight loss [note]Mesothelioma Symptoms - Mayo Clinic, http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/mesothelioma/basics/symptoms/con-20026157[/note]  


Mesothelioma mostly cause by : - Exposure to asbestos in working place or residential - Chest or abdomen irradiation - intrapleural thorium dioxide - inhalation of other fibrous silicates - simian virus 40 [note]Mesothelioma: Symptoms and Causes - WebMD, http://www.webmd.com/lung/mesothelioma-causes-and-symptoms[/note]  


Related Acupuncture Points : PC6, LI4, ST36 and KI3. Acupuncture Treatment For Mesothelioma Most of the time, cancer eventually will cause pain to the cancer patient. Escpecially when cancer had already spread to the other organ inside the body. This is also happen to Mesothelioma. Mesothelioma is a cancer that develop in thin layer that wrap many internal organs. If this cancer spread, then patient will feel so much pain. The acupuncture treatment is effective to treat pain that caused by the cancer. Treatment for reducing the pain will aim the acupoints of PC6, LI4, ST36 and KI3. [note]Acupuncture Alleviates Cancer Pain, Fatigue, And Anxiety - HealthCMi, http://www.healthcmi.com/Acupuncture-Continuing-Education-News/1498-acupuncture-alleviates-cancer-pain-fatigue-and-anxiety[/note]  

Acupuncture and Ringworm

Ringworm or dermatophytosis is a skin infection by fungal. There are around 40 types of fungi that can cause ringworm. The most common type of fungi that can cause ringworm are Trichophyton, Microsporum, or Epidermophyton type. Ringworm can be spreaded from animal to human or between human. Diagnosis of ringworm is based on the skin appearance and accompanying symptoms. [note]Dermatophytosis - Wikipedia, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dermatophytosis[/note]  




Symptoms of ringworm are : - Red, itchy, scaly, or raised skin patches - Skin patches that produce blisters - Skin patches that look like a ring - Skin patches with defined and raise edges - Hair loss in the affected area [note]Ringworm (Dermatophytosis): Causes, Symptoms & Diagnosis, http://www.healthline.com/health/ringworm#Symptoms5[/note]  


Ringworm is caused by fungal infection. The infected fungi usually live in keratin. Risk factor of getting infected by fungi are : - Ages - Afro caribbean race - Having type 1 diabetes - Being overweight - Weaken immune system - Certain medical treatment - History of fungal infection - Having atherosclerosis Related Acupuncture Points : Li4, Li11, S36 Sp6 S36. Sp9 Sp6 Li4 Acupuncture Treatment For Ringworm According to the traditional chinese method, ringworm is happen due to the damp condition of the skin. It is also acknowledged that skin is grouped as metal organ. Treatment for this condition will focusing on acupoints of LI4, LI11, ST36, SP6, and SP9. Stimulation for this acupoints will be done using electric stimulator. [note]AcuMedico-Forum: Treatment of ringworm with acupuncture?, http://www.acumedico.com/discus/messages/21/582.html?1220196626[/note]  

Kamis, 06 April 2017

Acupuncture and Cold Sores

Cold sore is a viral infection. It is a quite common kind of infection. Cold sores is also called as fever blisters. The blisters usually grouped together form patches. The breaking blisters usually leave a crust that forms over the sores. It is usually healed in 4 weeks. This disease spread between people via close contact like kissing. [note]Cold sore - Mayo Clinic, http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/cold-sore/basics/definition/con-20021310[/note]  




The existence of cold sores is marked by existence of tiny, fluid-filled blisters on and around lips. [note]Cold Sores-Symptoms - WebMD, http://www.webmd.com/skin-problems-and-treatments/tc/cold-sores-symptoms[/note]  


The cause of cold sores is virus that is called as Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV-1). It is similar with HSV-2, which is a virus that cause genital herpes. Both of these virus are easily spread via oral sex. Cold sores is contagious even if you dont see any symptoms at all. [note]Cold Sores: Causes, Symptoms and Treatments - Medical News Today, http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/172389.php#what_causes_cold_sores[/note]  


Related Acupuncture Points : CV23 ST44 Acupuncture Treatment For Cold Sores According to the traditional chinese method, cold sores is caused by wind damp heat. The damp heat maybe exist in the spleen and stomach. Chronic cold sores are occur because of deficiency of Yang, Yin, Qi, or Blood. To treat this disorder, there are many acupuncture points that can be chosen based on the diagnosis.The most popular two acupoints that are useful to treat the cold sores are acupoints located at the upper lip and lower lip. These points are located on the lower lateral ridge of the patella, on the patellar ligament, below ST35. [note]Mouth Sores - Causes and Treatment - Acupuncture Services of, http://www.acupuncture-services.com/basic-theory/acupuncture/mouth-sores-causes-and-treatment/[/note]  

Acupuncture and Ear Problems

Ear problems are disorders that may happen to our ear or hearing function. There are some disorders that categorized as ear problems which are ear infections, tinnitus, Meniere’s disease, and Ear Barotrauma. Some ear disorders can ended with hearing disorders and deafness while other disorders are not. [note]Ear Disorders | Ear Problems | MedlinePlus, https://medlineplus.gov/eardisorders.html[/note]  




There are some symptoms that are said to be the symptoms of ear problems, which are : - Mild pain or discomfort at inner part of the ear - Persistent pressure feeling inside our ear - Fussiness - Pus-like ear drainage - Hearing disorder - Deafness [note]Ear Infections: Causes, Symptoms & Diagnosis - Healthline, http://www.healthline.com/health/ear-infections?m=2#RiskFactors3[/note]  


There are some things that may be the caused of ear problem or disorders including : - Ear infection by bacteria or virus - Swollen and inflamed ear organs - Enlarged or inflamed adenoid - Fluid buildup in the middle ear - Age factors - Environment - Air pollutant [note]Ear infection (middle ear) Symptoms and causes - Mayo Clinic, http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/ear-infections/symptoms-causes/dxc-20199484[/note]  


Related Acupuncture Points : LI1 ST7 Acupuncture Treatment For Ear Problems Acupuncture treatment seems to be an effective method to treat the ear problems. The acupoints chosen for the treatment along with their purpose are : 1. TH 5 & GB 41 - open the Yang Wei Mai 2. GB 20 - descend/clear excess in the head 3. TH 17, GB 2 - local ear 4. LI 4 - release exterior, clear wind 5. LI 4, LI 11 & GV 14 - release the exterior 6. clear dampness and heat - SP 9, GB 34 & LV 13 7. LV3 – reducing emotional imbalances. [note]Acupuncture for Ear Infections and Inflammations | Yin Yang House, https://theory.yinyanghouse.com/treatments/acupuncture_for_earinflammations[/note]