Minggu, 30 Oktober 2016

Acupuncture and Brain Tumors

Brain tumor is a growth in brown that is condider to be upnormal. A growth itself can be benign which is harmless or malignant which is condiser to be dangerous. Other than that, medical doctor also determine whether the growth is a primary growth, which is a growth that originate at the brain solely or the growth is a metastase growth, which is a growth that come from other part of human body. [note]Understanding Brain Tumors, braintumor.org, http://braintumor.org/brain-tumor-information/understanding-brain-tumors/[/note]  







The symptoms of the brain tumors are greatly vary. The symptoms will depend on the area affected by the tumors because different area of the brain responsible for different function of our body. Not only the location of the tumor that may influence the symptom, it is also depend on how big the tumor it is. Somehow there is a very common symptom regarding brain tumor. People who have tumor in their brain usually have constant headache. [note]Brain tumor, mayoclinic.org, http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/brain-tumor/symptoms-causes/dxc-20117134[/note]  


It is not so clear how somebody can get tumor in their brain. But it is commonly believe that tumor can grow because there is change in human body’s DNA. Brain tumors have many different type. Each type of the brain tumors have different cause and symptoms. [note]Brain Tumors in Adults, .webmd.com/, http://www.webmd.com/cancer/brain-cancer/brain-tumors-in-adults?page=2#2[/note]  


Related Acupuncture Points : C1 C2 SI16 TIANDONG, TH16 SI16 TH16 LV3 GV20 Acupuncture treatment for Brain Tumors Because brain tumor is a disorder that somewhat unique, therefore acupuncture treatment given to the sufferer of the brain tumor may different among them. Usually brain tumor is cured by performing surgery. The role of acupuncture usually is by helping the patient feel better after the surgery. [note][Acupuncture treatment for a patient with prolonged consciousness disturbance after a brain tumor surgery]., ncbi.nlm.nih.gov, http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19306637[/note]

Acupuncture and Brain Injury

As the name suggest, brain injury or traumatic brain injury is the disorder that happen in the brain and it is merely cause as an effect of external cause or force. It is disorder that received by someone because of any incident in their life such as car accident. It is sometimes confusing between traumatic brain injury and acquired brain injury. Acquired brain injury is brain injury is said to be the injury that acquired or received by somebody after the birth.[note]About Brain Injury, biausa.org, http://www.biausa.org/about-brain-injury.htm[/note]  







The symptoms of brain injury can vary among many sufferers. It can vary from mild to severe symptoms depending on the cause of the brain injury. Mild or moderate brain injury is a brain injury that make the sufferer loss of consciousness lasting from 20 minutes until 6 hours. While severe brain injury is a brain injury that produce loss of consciousness longer than 6 hours. Taraumatic brain injury itself is a brain in jury that result in permanent damage to the brain, therefore greatly reduce brain function and can greatly affect human ability. [note]Severe TBI Symptoms, traumaticbraininjury.com Severe TBI Symptoms, traumaticbraininjury.com, http://www.traumaticbraininjury.com/symptoms-of-tbi/severe-tbi-symptoms/[/note]  


As stated before, traumatic brain injury is caused by severe blow or force to the human head that in turn affect the human brain. The brain injury cause can vary and many factors included such as damage area of brain cells, widespread damage that produced by a suddent blast like a bomb for example, bleeding or blod clot around brain that will prevent oxygen supply to the brain, etc.[note]Traumatic brain injury,mayoclinic.org, http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/traumatic-brain-injury/basics/causes/con-20029302[/note]  


Related Acupuncture Points : C2 GB13 GV20 Acupuncture treatment for Brain Injury The acupuncture treatment given to the sufferer of brain injury depending case by case because brain injury is very much unique depending on the cause and severity of the disorder. One sample of treatment protocol given to the sufferer of brain injury is that the sufferer firstly given the core treatment to reduce the qi and blood stagnation due to spleen dysfunction. As time passed, another treatment protocol was given to remove or soothe other symptoms such as respiratory infection, constipation, and insomnia. [note]Restoration of Function With Acupuncture Following Severe Traumatic Brain Injury: A Case Report, ncbi.nlm.nih.gov, http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4653595/[/note]

Acupuncture and Brain Cancer

Just like any other cancer, cancer is a tumor that is consider malignant. Regarding brain cancer, it can be a primary or secondary. Primary cancer mean that the brain cancer is a tumor that originate in the brain and usually never spread to the other organ. While secondary cancer mean that the cancer is coming from other human body. [note]Brain cancer,cancer.org.au, http://www.cancer.org.au/about-cancer/types-of-cancer/brain-cancer.html[/note] There are so many types of brain cancer. Among them are meningiomas, neuromas, pituitary tumours, astrocytomas, oligodendrogliomas, ependymomas and craniopharyngiomas. This kind of tumor is tend to happen in female than in male gender. [note]Brain cancer, umm.edu, http://umm.edu/health/medical/altmed/condition/brain-cancer[/note]  







Many symptoms are related with the existence of brain cancer. Symptoms that usually appeared as the sign of this cancer are headaches, myclonic, Loss of consciousness and body tone, change in sensation due to sensory breakage, Personality or memory changes, Nausea or vomiting, and fatigue. [note]Brain Tumor - Symptoms and Signs, Approved by the Cancer.Net Editorial Board, 08/2015, http://www.cancer.net/cancer-types/brain-tumor/symptoms-and-signs[/note]  


Although relatively rare, brain cancer is a condition that is greatly affect the human life or ability. There are many cause of this disorder, which are older age, exposure to radiation including medical radiation like x-ray or CT-scan, history of previous cancer, genetic factors, obesity, cellphone radiation, etc. [note]Brain tumour risks and causes, cancerresearchuk.org, http://www.cancerresearchuk.org/about-cancer/type/brain-tumour/about/brain-tumour-risks-and-causes[/note]  


Related Acupuncture Points : LI4 LI11 LI15 ST36 LIV3 SP6 REN4 REN6 Acupuncture treatment for Brain Cancer Acupuncture may not be able to completely cure the brain cancer, but somewhat this kind of treatment may be able to help the patient to reduce the symptoms of the brain cancer like nausea or vomiting. The treatment is given based on the careful assessment of the patient history of sickness The treatment given to the patient that have brain cancer usually given one or two times per week. As it is mainly to target the qi blockage, therefore treatment will aim mainly the spleen and kidney organ. [note]Case report: Treat Brain Tumor with acupuncture and herbs, encognitive.com, http://www.encognitive.com/node/3761[/note]

Acupuncture and Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD)

Just like Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD) and Avoidant Personality Disorder, this disorder is also closely related with the state of mental health. This disorder is somewhat unique, as it turns out related with gender. Female is more likely to have this disorder than male. Other than that, this disorder is tend to happen in the teenager or early adulthood. The exposure of this illness is somewhat quite low, as only maximum 5% of the population affected by this disorder. [note]What is Borderline Personality Disorder?, sane.org, https://www.sane.org/mental-health-and-illness/facts-and-guides/borderline-personality-disorder[/note]  







The symptoms of this disorder is not same between person to person. Not only different symptoms, the severity of the symptoms also vary among the sufferer. There are many symptoms related with this disorder which are unstable feeling about one’s self, impulsive behavior, hostile, unstable state of relationship, constant fear of abandont and rejection, great feeling of worry and depression, and also unstable career plans. Please note that not all symptoms will be experienced by the sufferer. One may experienced hostility symptoms and others may not. [note]Borderline Personality Disorder Symptoms, By Steve Bressert, Ph.D., http://psychcentral.com/disorders/borderline-personality-disorder-symptoms/[/note]  


Just like many other mental illness or disorder, this disorder also not well known about what is the cause of it. The cause of this illness is caused by many factors. And the influence or importantness of those factors may vary among the sufferer. Therefore, it is hard to determine which factor that play the major role. The cause of this illness are biological and generic factors, social factors, and psychological factors. Although it is hard to determine which factor play the biggest role of this disorder, it is believed that if somebody have this disorder, it is likely that they will pass down this disorder to their children. [note]A Guide to Spotting the Signs of Borderline Personality Disorder - BPD, By Arnold Lieber, MD, http://www.psycom.net/depression.central.borderline.html[/note]  


Related Acupuncture Points : Yintang Acupuncture treatment for Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) Acupuncture, which is originated in china as old as 3500 years, is believed to have the capability to cure many illness including the mental illness. It is strongly believed that many illness is due to blockage of the qi flow inside the human body, therefore acupuncture treatment aiming to remove the blockage so that qi flow will normal again and in turn will bring health to the human. [note]Alternative Treatments for Borderline Personality Disorder – Part Two, borderlinecentral.com, http://www.borderlinecentral.com/articles/alternativetreatments2.php[/note] Concerning about Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD), which is regarded as mentall illness, therefore acupuncture treatment chosen will try to remove any blockage that caused this disorder. The acupuncture treatment given to overcome this disorder is the treatment that related with mentall illness, which is scalp acupuncture. Usually treatment will last for 5 to 30 minutes which is given one or two times a week. Some symptoms will go after first treatment, while other symptom will require more treatment. [note]Acupuncture and Mental Health, By: Diane Joswick, L.Ac., MSOM, https://www.acufinder.com/Acupuncture+Information/Detail/Acupuncture+and+Mental+Health[/note]

Acupuncture and Bone Cancer

Bone cancer is one of many kind of cancer. As we know, cancer is type of tumor that consider malignant. Tumor that grow in bone can be benign or malignant. Therefore, bone cancer is malignant tumor that grow at bones. This tumor that grow at bones could be a primary cancer or metastasis cancer. Primary bone cancer is cancer that originates at bones while metastasis cancer is cancer that come from many other part of human body. [note]Bone Cancer, National Cancer Institute,, http://www.cancer.gov/types/bone/bone-fact-sheet[/note]  







Like many other cancers, pain is usually the most common symptom that will be experienced by the sufferer of bone cancer. Bone cancer can make the sufferer feel the pain because as the tumor or the cancer grow it will destruct the bone tissue surrounding. [note]Bone Cancer - Symptoms and Signs, Approved by the Cancer.Net Editorial Board, 05/2016, http://www.cancer.net/cancer-types/bone-cancer/symptoms-and-signs[/note] Other symptoms that may be arise are swelling, joint swelling or stiffness, or limping. Not only feel the pain, sometimes the cancer also can make the sufferer unable to perform many physical movement. If you experienced one or any above symptom, you should consul to your doctor immediately  


Just like many other cancer, the reason why someone get cancer and somebody else doesn’t is unclear. It is believed that DNA chain broken could be the reason behind cancer. People with long history of inflammatory disease is at higher risk of developing such cancer. [note]Bone Cancer: Causes, Symptoms and Treatments, Written by Christian Nordqvist, Last updated: Mon 7 September 2015, http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/171372.php[/note] Other risk factor that could be the reason of this disease would be smoking habit and heredity factor.  


Related Acupuncture Points : GB30 Acupuncture treatment for Bone Cancer When applied earlier or at early stage, acupuncture can effectively reducing malignant bone tumor growth. It is also believed that acupuncture can reduce the risk of spreading of bone cancer to the other organ, for example to the lung. Acupuncture can heal the bone tumor by reducing the inflammation. Both type of true acupuncture and sham acupuncture can be applied to cure the bone cancer. When at use, these two types of treatment will targeting the acupoint of ST36 [note]Acupuncture for Bone Cancer Tumors & Metastasis Discovery, 06 September 2013, http://www.healthcmi.com/Acupuncture-Continuing-Education-News/820-bonecancerst36[/note] Not only reducing inflammation, acupuncture can also down-regulate pain, reduce nausea and vomiting and reduce fatigue.

Rabu, 26 Oktober 2016

Acupuncture and Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD)

Body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) is a disorder related with mental illness, because it is happen in human mind. Sufferers of this condition will feel that their body seems not right. Tney will pay excessive attention to how other people look at their body. [note]What is body dysmorphic disorder (BDD)?, http://www.mind.org.uk/information-support/types-of-mental-health-problems/body-dysmorphic-disorder-bdd/#.V78n6qInLYg[/note]  







People who sufffer this Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD)condition will excessively care about the way they look. In order to fulfill their obsessions they will do anything to satisfy their worry. They will exercise excessively, do a surgery to change their appearance, seeing mirror very often, and also change their clothes frequently. If you see someone with this symptoms, then they might suffer from this BDD disorder. [note]Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD), adaa.org, https://www.adaa.org/understanding-anxiety/related-illnesses/other-related-conditions/body-dysmorphic-disorder-bdd[/note]  


Again, when relating with mental illness, there are not enough knowledge about what the cause of such illness. And just like any other mental disorder, this disorder also suspected caused by something wrong in human brain. The problem in the brain usually also related with another mental health problem, such as depression and anxiety. Other cause that might play significant role for this disorder would be traumatic historical events in somebody’s life, low self esteem, and overstrict parents. [note]Body Dysmorphic Disorder, clevelandclinic.org, http://my.clevelandclinic.org/services/neurological_institute/center-for-behavioral-health/disease-conditions/hic-body-dysmorphic-disorder[/note]  


Related Acupuncture Points : GV-20 ,GV-14 , GV-15 , GV-23 , GV-26 Acupuncture treatment for Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD) Since this disorder is somewhat uncommon, no wonder that there are no exact acupuncture treatment protocol that can be given for people who suffer from this condition. However, since this disorder is related with mental health, therefore any other acupuncture treatment for mental health disorder also can be used to treat people with this disorder.

Acupuncture and Blood Pressure (High)

High blood pressure is a condition when we found our blood pressure is considerably high. Blood pressure is said to be in high pressure if the pressure higher than 140 over 90. To determine whether one person have high blood pressure, the measurement of the blood pressure must be conduct for some periods. [note]What is high blood pressure?, bloodpressureuk.org, http://www.bloodpressureuk.org/BloodPressureandyou/Thebasics/Whatishigh[/note]  







Not every peolple will produce symptoms when they said to have a blood pressure condition. But, generally the symptoms of blood pressure will arise when the pressure reach 180/110 mm hg. People with high blood pressure will experience nausea, vomiting, headache, and many other symptoms. [note]High Blood Pressure: Causes, Symptoms and Treatments, Written by Christian Nordqvist, Last updated: Wed 30 December 2015, http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/159283.php[/note]  


The cause of high blood pressure would be a smoking habit, too much salt consumed, age, gender, and other medication or illness conditions. [note]Causes of High Blood Pressure, http://www.webmd.com/hypertension-high-blood-pressure/guide/blood-pressure-causes[/note]  


Related Acupuncture Points : EX LI18 LV3 SP6 ST9 Acupuncture treatment for Blood Pressure (High) The acupuncture treatment for this high blood pressure condition will aim to remove the blockage of the blood circulation that believed to increased the pressure of the blood. [note]Acupuncture Can Reduce High Blood Pressure Without Drugs…and Keep it Low, Date: October 5, 2015 Publication: Health Insider Source: Stephanie T. Tjen-A-Looi, http://bottomlineinc.com/health-insider/acupuncture-can-reduce-high-blood-pressure-without-drugsand-keep-it-low/[/note] Acupuncture treatment given for patient with high blood pressure is mainly an electrical acupuncture. The course of the treatment will given every week for eight weeks. The treatment will aim the acupoints that relate to to the cardiovascular condition. [note]Acupuncture for Blood Pressure Lowering, Needling the Truth, Fiona Turnbull and Anushka Patel, http://circ.ahajournals.org/content/115/24/3048[/note]

Acupuncture and Bladder Cancer

Bladder cancer is a type of cancer that arise in our urinary bladder. When diagnosed early, this type of cancer is have quite high successful rate. This type of cancer is a cancer that quite common. [note]Bladder cancer, wikipedia, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bladder_cancer[/note]  







People with this condition of bladder cancer will experience one or many symptoms simultaneously. Blood in our urine, pain during urination, or lower back pain are some symptoms that can be be experienced by people that have bladder cancer. Symptoms of this condition is quite common condition and can mimic symptoms from other condition. Therefore, in order to establish exact cause, the sufferer must see the doctor to determine the exact cause. [note]Bladder Cancer - Symptoms and Signs, cancer.net, http://www.cancer.net/cancer-types/bladder-cancer/symptoms-and-signs[/note]  


Like many other conditions, the exact cause of bladder cancer is not known. But, like many other type of cancer, usually the cancer is caused by genetic changes in our body at certain time in our life. Chemical exposure and smoking habit also play a great role that can cause a bladder cancer. [note]Bladder Cancer - Cause,webmd.com, http://www.webmd.com/cancer/bladder-cancer/bladder-cancer-cause[/note]  


Related Acupuncture Points : ST11 Acupuncture treatment for Bladder Cancer It is hardly believe that acupuncture can cure bladder cancer completely. Usually, when dealing with cancer, acupuncture treatment will reduce the bad effect of the cancer treatment like radiotherapy or chemotherapy, The acupuncture treatment for bladder cancer will aim to nourish yin, increase the blood circulation, and clear toxic from our body. [note]The Use of Acupuncture in the Management of Cancer by Henry McGrath, https://www.jadeinstitute.com/jade/acupuncture-management-of-cancer.php[/note]

Acupuncture and Bipolar Disorder (BD)

People said to have this condition, which is bipolar disorder, when a people have unstable mood. But be cautious as not every people with moody nature are said to have this condition. People are said that they suffer from this condition only when the swing is move from extreme to extreme point. Bipolar disorder have its most severe condition, which is called manic depression. [note]Bipolar disorder explained, blackdoginstitute.org.au, http://www.blackdoginstitute.org.au/public/bipolardisorder/bipolardisorderexplained/[/note]  







The symptoms of this condition is unique for every sufferer. In order to determine if someone have this condition or not, then a professional doctor need to conduct a thourough mental examination. There are many types of disorder, and unfortunately, for each type there are many set of symptoms. [note]Bipolar Disorder Signs and Symptoms, helpguide.org, http://www.helpguide.org/articles/bipolar-disorder/bipolar-disorder-signs-and-symptoms.htm[/note]  


Like many other conditions, this condition of bipolar disorder is said to have unclear causes. Genetic, neurochemical and environmental factors are said to be the major caused of this condition. This condition is mostly affected by something wrong in human brain. [note]The Causes of Bipolar Disorder (Manic Depression) By Steve Bressert, Ph.D., http://psychcentral.com/lib/the-causes-of-bipolar-disorder-manic-depression/[/note]  


Related Acupuncture Points : LV3 Acupuncture treatment for Bipolar Disorder (BD) Chinese medication see this condition are caused by the imbalance or improper flow of energy / qi in human body. Therefore treatment for bipolar disorder will aim to remove the blockage of qi in human body, especially at human head. The acupuncture treatment is given in the hope that the body will release certain hormones which in turn will help our body to cure its condition. [note]Treating Bipolar Disorder with Acupuncture,pacificcollege.edu, http://www.pacificcollege.edu/news/blog/2015/01/14/treating-bipolar-disorder-acupuncture[/note]

Acupuncture and Benign Prostate Hyperplasia (BPH)

Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is a condition that affected human prostate. People who suffer from this condtion will find that their prostate getting enlarge in size. This condition although mostly experienced by male patient, it also can experienced by female patient. Regarding the age, usually this condition is suffered by people at old age. [note]Enlarged Prostate: A Complex Problem, webmd.com, http://www.webmd.com/men/prostate-enlargement-bph/features/enlarged-prostate-bph-complex-problem[/note]  







Benign Prostate Hyperplasia (BPH) or usually called as enlarged prostate have many symptoms. Symptoms that come with this condition would be frequent urinating, recurring urinating, feeling incomplete when urinating, difficulty of urinating, and slow stream of urination. [note]Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia, auanet.org, https://www.auanet.org/education/benign-prostatic-hypertrophy.cfm[/note]  


This condition, which is usually marked by enlarged prostate which in turn usually block the urine flow is mostly caused by age factor. That is, as we grow older then our chance of getting this condition will increase. This is because when we grow older, our hormones will get imbalance. [note]Diseases and Conditions Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), MayoClinic.org, http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/benign-prostatic-hyperplasia/basics/causes/con-20030812[/note]  


Related Acupuncture Points : REN3 SP9 SP6 REN1 LR2 BL54 Acupuncture treatment for Benign Prostate Hyperplasia (BPH) The acupuncture treatment for this condition will be given everyday for as long as 3 months. Along with the acupuncture treatment, the therapist will also give other treatment like moxibustion. The treatment will aim at 5 acupoints [note]Acupuncture and Herbs Successfully Treat Prostate Enlargement, by Case Adams, Naturopath ·, http://www.realnatural.org/acupuncture-and-chinese-herbal-medicine-found-to-successfully-treat-prostate-enlargement/[/note] The type or method of acupuncture treatment for this condition is mainly a electrical acupuncture. . The intensity of electrical stimulation for this treatment will depend on the severity of the condition. The treatment will mainly will targeting the acupoint near the bladder. [note]Effects of Electroacupuncture on Benign Prostate Hyperplasia Patients with Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms: A Single-Blinded, Randomized Controlled Trial, ncbi.nlm.nih.gov, http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3092516/[/note]

Acupuncture and Bedwetting

Bed wetting is a shameful condition that can be experience by any age of human, but it is mostly experienced by younger. Bedwetting is a condtion that we can not intentionally hold our urine during the sleep of the night. Therefore we will find out our bed getting wet when we wake up next morning. [note]bed-wetting, medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com bed-wetting,, http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/bed-wetting[/note]  







As the name suggest, the symptoms of this condition would be wet bed when we wake up in the morning. Usually people is said to have this condtion when the age of the sufferer is too old to have bed wetting. [note]Bedwetting (Enuresis, Bed Wetting), medbroadcast.com, http://www.medbroadcast.com/Condition/GetCondition/Bedwetting[/note]  


When we say about bedwetting condition, we will more focus of adult betwetting, which is the age when bedwetting is not supposed to be experienced any longer. Many things can cause this condition, which are small size of bladder, diabetes, cancer, or medication. [note]Bedwetting (sleep enuresis) in Adults: Causes, Diagnosis, & Treatment, Posted by Kevin Phillips, http://www.alaskasleep.com/blog/sleep-enuresis-adult-bedwetting-causes-diagnosis-treatment[/note]  


Related Acupuncture Points : B23, B28, B32, Gv4, Gv15, Gv20, H7, H9, K3, K5, Sp4, Sp6, Sp12, St36, Ren2, Ren3 and Ren6 Acupuncture treatment for Bedwetting Bedwetting or enuresis can cured by acupuncture treatment. The main objective of the acupuncture treatment for this condition will aim to strengthen the bladder and regulate water flow, [note]4 special points for nocturnal enuresis, tcmcentre.com,4 special points for nocturnal enuresis, http://tcmcentre.com/2010/03/12/4-special-points-for-nocturnal-enuresis/[/note] TCM believe that bedwetting condition is condition that affected by our human body of controlling water metabolism. The course of the acupuncture treatment depend on the condition of each patient. The course of the treatment might be given daily or every 2 days. Treatment for this condition will try to cure the abnormality of our lung, spleen, and kidney. These 3 organs is believed to be the organs that control water metabolism in human body, Other than traditional acupuncture treatment, other method of acupuncture can also be given to treat the condition. The treatment will be more effective if the acupuncture treatment combined with herbal medication. [note]Treating Pediatric Bed-Wetting with Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine, Posted on April 24, 2007 by Joyce, http://www.acupuncture-services.com/book-reviews/treating-pediatric-bed-wetting-with-acupuncture-chinese-medicine/[/note]

Acupuncture and Baldness

Baldness is a condition which simply that there is something not normal at human hair. People with lack or less hair on their head will be considered as bald men. There are many types of the baldness. This type of baldness will depend on the location of the bald, which could be at the front lobe of the head or other spot. [note]Definition of Baldness, medicinenet.com, http://www.medicinenet.com/script/main/art.asp?articlekey=2421[/note]  







The symptoms of this condition is simply the absence of the hair of the human head. The degree and the location of baldness will vary among people. [note]Hair Loss and Balding: Causes, Symptoms & Treatments, By Laura Geggel, Senior Writer | February 13, 2015 09:58pm ET, http://www.livescience.com/34731-hair-loss-alopecia-treatment.html[/note] Sometimes people will confuse between baldness and shedding hair. Shedding hair is a condition when we loss hair because of particular stressful events and usually it will grow back, while baldness is a condition that hair loss will never grow back. [note]Male Pattern Baldness, nytimes.com, http://www.nytimes.com/health/guides/disease/male-pattern-baldness/overview.html[/note]  


Everyday, we will loose certain amount of hair, which is normal. The baldness is a condition that the hair loss is more then the new growth hair. The cause of the baldness will mostly caused by heredity factors. Other factors that can cause this baldness would be medical condition or medication (like taking a chemoteraphy for curing cancer). [note]Diseases and Conditions Hair loss, mayoclinic.org, http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/hair-loss/basics/causes/con-20027666[/note]  


Related Acupuncture Points : LU7 GV14 GV12 UB13 LU6 LU9 Acupuncture treatment for Baldness It is strongly believe that acupuncture can cure the baldness, athough the successful rate of this treatment will vary from person to person. Acupuncture treat this condition by promoting the blood circulation in human head. If blood circulation in our head is good, we can hope that our hair will grow healthier. The acupuncture treatment for this condition given will be a traditional acupuncture treatment. However, adding another acupuncture method will increase the successfull rate of the treatment. Other acupuncture treatment method that can be used to cure this condition would be a Qi Xing acupuncture and scalp acupuncture. These 2 acupuncture will stimulate our body to secrete certain hormone. This hormone will eventually promote hair growth. [note]Acupuncture Combats Baldness, Outperforms Drug Therapy , HealthCMI, http://www.healthcmi.com/Acupuncture-Continuing-Education-News/1643-acupuncture-combats-baldness-outperforms-drug-therapy[/note]

Acupuncture and Bad Breath (Halitosis)

The bad breath, or halitosis, as the name suggest would be a condition that simply there is a bad odour or smell from our mouth. So much worse that other person around us can easily smell the odour. [note]Halitosis Definition, By Dr. Harold Katz - Bad Breath Expert, http://www.therabreath.com/halitosis-definition.html[/note]  







Bad breath is a condition that might make the sufferer feel ashame, because other people will usually smell a bad odour from the mouth. [note]Bad Breath (Halitosis), Written by Holly McGurgan, Medically Reviewed by Steve Kim, MD on February 29, 2016, http://www.healthline.com/health/bad-breath[/note] As the name suggest so, this condition symptoms woulb be bad smell from out mouth.  


Many things can cause this illness or condition. Mostly, the cause of halitosis would be bacterias or debris that lies within our mouth. Other cause of this bad breath condition are dry mouth, medication, and smokling habit. [note]What are the causes and types of bad breath?, patient.info, http://patient.info/health/bad-breath-halitosis#nav-2[/note]  


Related Acupuncture Points : Ren 24, PC 8 Acupuncture treatment for Bad Breath (Halitosis) Many people not sure that acupuncture can cure halitosis. However, it is indeed that acupuncture treatment can cure it. Although the successful rate of the treatment will depend on the cause of the illness. The treatment given will depend on the cause of halitosis. According to traditional Chinese medicine, the cause of the bad breath or halitosis would be a condition that is called as hot abdomen. Therefore, the treatment given will aim to cure this condition. [note]Acupuncture New York can treat Halitosis, workingwellness.com Acupuncture New York can treat Halitosis,, http://www.workingwellness.com/tag/new-york-acupuncture-treatment/[/note]

Acupuncture and Back Pain

Back pain is a condtion that suffer by many people in the world. It is a very common disorder. Back pain is a pain that felt in the back of our body. The pain may be characterized as a dull ache, shooting or piercing pain, or a burning sensation. [note]What Is Back Pain?, niams.nih.gov Fast Facts: An Easy-to-Read Series of Publications for the Public,, http://www.niams.nih.gov/health_info/back_pain/back_pain_ff.asp[/note]  







The main symptom of back pain is, as the name suggests, an ache or pain anywhere on the back, and sometimes all the way down to the buttocks and legs. [note]Back pain, wikipedia.org, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Back_pain[/note]  


The cause of back pain consist of many things, such as Spasms, Tense muscles, and also Disk breakdown or ruptured. [note]Back Pain: Causes, Symptoms and Treatments,medicalnewstoday.com, http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/172943.php[/note]  


Related Acupuncture Points : ST9 Acupuncture treatment for Back Pain : Acupuncture treatment for Back Pain : Acupuncture treatment for this back pain disorder will targeting the acupuncture point that located along the back meridian. The acupuncture treatment course for this condition will be conducted 2 times a week, during a total of 12 sessions over 6 weeks. [note]Acupuncture for chronic low back pain: protocol for a multicenter, randomized, sham-controlled trial, biomedcentral.com, https://bmcmusculoskeletdisord.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/1471-2474-11-118[/note]

Acupuncture and Avoidant Personality Disorder

Avoidant personality disorder is a disorde which is merely relating with mental condition. People who suffer from this disorder will tend to move away from social interaction with another people, because they feel inferior compare with other people. Not only they withdraw themselves from other people, they mostly are a sensitive people. [note]Avoidant personality disorder,counselling-directory.org.uk, http://www.counselling-directory.org.uk/avoidant.html[/note]  







The symptoms of this mental illnees or disorder consist of many things. Among them, the symptoms that is consider to be main symptoms would be Self-Victimization, Passive-Aggressive Behavior, and also Low Self-Esteem. [note]Avoidant Personality Disorder, healthline.com, http://www.healthline.com/health/avoidant-personality-disorder[/note]  


The exact cause of this Avoidant Personality Disorder is completely unknown. But generally it is believed that environmental factors would be the major cause of this disorder. Other possible cause of this illness is genetic factor. [note]Avoidant Personality Disorder (AVPD), outofthefog.website, http://outofthefog.website/personality-disorders-1/2015/12/6/avoidant-personality-disorder-avpd[/note]  


Related Acupuncture Points : CV12 PC6 LR3 LR13 RD ST36 RF Acupuncture treatment for Avoidant Personality Disorder The Avoidant Personality Disorder acccording to chinese treatment is caused by imbalance of 5 elements that naturally influence of every people. Therefore, any acupuncture treatment for this disorder will aim to maintain or correcting the imbalance of these 5 elements. The treatment given will depend on the severity of this disorder. Acupuncture treatment given might be a traditional acupuncture, sham acupuncture or electrical acupuncture. Some therapies will also combine the acunpuncture treatment with a herbal treatment. 4

Acupuncture and Autoimmune Diseases

Autoimmune disease is a condition where the immunity function of human body progress further from benign autoimmunity to pathogenic autoimmunity. This condition is so common for vertebrate life and can be the cause of a broad spectrum of human illnesses. [note]What is Autoimmunity?, jhmi.edu, http://autoimmune.pathology.jhmi.edu/whatisautoimmunity.html[/note]  







The symptoms of autoimmune disease can mimic other disease symptoms. But, if you experiencing a combination of several symptom, there is a big chance that you suffer an Autoimmune Disease. Symptoms that you should pay attention that you might have an autoimmune disease would be Joint pain, weight loss, Recurrent rashes or hives, Difficulty concentrating or focusing, Feeling tired or fatigued and also Hair loss or white patches on your skin or inside your mouth. [note]10 Signs You Have An Autoimmune Disease + How To Reverse It, by Dr. Amy MyersApril 18, 2013, http://www.mindbodygreen.com/0-8843/10-signs-you-have-an-autoimmune-disease-how-to-reverse-it.html[/note]  


Many things can cause or trigger for this conditions such as altering of normal body substance, the entrance of foreign substances, the malfunction of the cells that control antibody production. [note] Autoimmune Disorders By Peter J. Delves, PhD, http://www.merckmanuals.com/home/immune-disorders/allergic-reactions-and-other-hypersensitivity-disorders/autoimmune-disorders[/note]  


Related Acupuncture Points : LI-4, LI-11, ST-36, GB-39, SP-6, GV-14, BL-11, BL-20, BL-23, BL-24, BL-25, BL-26, BL-27, BL-28, and CV-12 Acupuncture treatment for Autoimmune Diseases : Acupuncture treatment maybe can not fully cure the condition of this autoimmune, but maybe it can reduce the miserability of the symptoms. Acupuncture treatment for this condition will targeting many human body or parts including kidney, blood, bone marrow, stomach, and spleen. Treatment of this disease with acupuncture will mainly dealing with Yang function of our human body. [note]AUTO-IMMUNE DISEASES: A CHINESE MEDICINE VIEW,maciociaonline.blogspot.co.id, http://maciociaonline.blogspot.co.id/2013/01/the-treatment-of-autoimmune-diseases.html[/note]

Acupuncture and Autism

Autism or sometimes is called as Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a disorder that mainly related with the problem with the brain development. People who suffer from this condition are usually have problems with their social interaction and also communication either verbal and non-verbal. [note]What Is Autism?, autismspeaks.org, https://www.autismspeaks.org/what-autism[/note]  







People with the autism disorder as explained above usually have the symptoms like having difficulties to interact with other people. Other symptoms of this condition would be show little emotion or empathy, have little or no spoken language, insist on following routines and be easily upset by change, and also like to flutter their fingers at the side of their eyes to watch the light flicker. [note]Autistic disorder, raisingchildren.net.au, http://raisingchildren.net.au/articles/autistic_disorder_signs_and_symptoms.html[/note]  


It is believed that there are no any single issue that cause the autism spectrum disorder. But it is strongly believe that this disorder is caused by the problem with brain structure or function. [note]Home > About Autism > Causes, www.autism-society.org, http://www.autism-society.org/what-is/causes/[/note]  


Related Acupuncture Points : LV3 Acupuncture treatment for Autism : Acupuncture in the treatment of autism spectrum disorders is usually related with the acupuncture point at the head area of human body. One method of acupuncture treatment for this autism disorder would be a scalp acupuncture which is targeting the acupuncture point near the ear area. [note]Acupuncture for Treatment of Autism Spectrum Disorders, Hindawi Publishing Corporation, http://www.hindawi.com/journals/ecam/2012/679845/[/note]

Acupuncture and Attention Deficit Disorder (ADHD/ADD)

There are many names for the condition that related with behavior of the people. Sometimes it called ADD, sometimes also called as ADHD. But it is officially called as Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. [note]Attention Deficit Disorder, add-adhd.org, http://www.add-adhd.org/ADHD_attention-deficit.html[/note]  







Attention Deficit Disorder is a condition that usually marked or characterized by Inattention, Hyperactivity, and Impulsivity. [note]Is it ADHD? Use Our Checklist of Common Symptoms, additudemag.com, http://www.additudemag.com/adhd/article/621.html[/note]  


The ADHD can be caused by many factors such as Genes, Nutrition, Environmental factors, brain injury, and many other possible cause. [note]Causes of Attention Deficit Disorder (ADHD)By Ben Martin, Psy.D., http://psychcentral.com/lib/causes-of-attention-deficit-disorder-adhd/[/note]  


Related Acupuncture Points : LV3 Acupuncture treatment for Attention Deficit Disorder (ADHD/ADD) : The acupuncture treatment to treat the ADHD disorder usually targeting at 4 acupuncture points which are Bai Hu Du 20, Tai Chong Li 3, He Gu Li 4, and Ying Tang as an extra point. Not only targeting those 4 points, the treatment will also aim to strengthen the liver and kidney of the patient who suffer from this condition. [note]Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) Case Study, acupuncture.com, http://www.acupuncture.com/newsletters/m_mar09/ADD.htm[/note]

Acupuncture and Astigmatism

Astigmatism , is a condition that people not aware with its name. This condition is a disesase that is marked by the problem with how the eye get a focus of incoming light. The light that enter the eye is not focused into one single spot, instead the light focus at more than one focus point, which in turn it produce unclear vision. [note]Astigmatism Reviewed by Jill E. Bixler, M.D., http://kellogg.umich.edu/patientcare/conditions/astigmatism.html[/note] Astigmatism is not a disease nor does it mean that you have "bad eyes." It simply means that you have a variation or disturbance in the shape of your cornea. [note]Astigmatism, allaboutvision.com, http://www.allaboutvision.com/conditions/astigmatism.htm[/note]  







The eye failure to focus the incoming light can produce many symptoms such as image blurring at all distances, headache, and eye discomfort. [note]Refractive Error: How to Relieve Your Symptoms, vision-and-eye-health.com, http://www.vision-and-eye-health.com/astigmatism-natural-therapies.html[/note]  


The failure to focus incoming light to the eye is caused by irregular shape of the cornea or lens of the eyes. The rough surface of eye’s cornea make the light ray not refracted properly. [note]What Causes Astigmatism? Written by: Kierstan Boyd Reviewed by: Brenda Pagan-Duran MD, http://www.aao.org/eye-health/diseases/astigmatism-causes[/note]  


Related Acupuncture Points : BL1, KI6, LV3, LV14, LI4 and Tai Yang Acupuncture treatment for Astigmatism : Because this condition is mainly relating with the eye, no wonder that acupuncture treatment for Astigmatism is mainly targeting the acupoints surrounding the eyes of the sufferer. Acupressure for the eye is designed to relieve or unblock any disruptions to chi flow to the eye. Although this condition mainly related with the eye, the acupuncture treatment also try to cure the disorder by treating other human organ like liver and spleen. [note]Astigmatism Reviewed by Jill E. Bixler, M.D., http://kellogg.umich.edu/patientcare/conditions/astigmatism.html[/note]

Selasa, 25 Oktober 2016

Acupuncture and Asthma

A condition that marked by difficulty of breathing is called asthma. Not only difficult to breathe, people who suffer from this condition also make a wheezing noise when they breath. But not all people who have this disease experience the same symptom. The degree of severity of this condition vary from person to person. [note]Chronic respiratory diseases , WHO.int, http://www.who.int/respiratory/asthma/definition/en/[/note]  







Beside above mention symptom like difficult to breathe and wheezing noise, asthma can bring symptom like coughing, fast breathing, and also frequent colds. [note]Asthma Symptoms,acaai.org, http://acaai.org/asthma/symptoms[/note]  


The symptoms of asthma can occur or cause by many conditions, which are air pollutants like dust, over exercise, certainm medications, cold air or weather, and also other medical problems like GERD. [note]What Causes or Triggers Asthma?, aafa.org, http://www.aafa.org/page/asthma-triggers-causes.aspx[/note]  


Related Acupuncture Points : LI18 LU1 LU3 LU9 PC6 ST13 Acupuncture treatment for Asthma : Acupuncture treatment to cure asthma mainly targeting the acupuncture point that lies on the chest or usually called as lung meridian. Although aiming the lung meridian, but the sequence of the lung meridian points used in this treatment will vary among therapists. But somehow there are also many acupuncture formulas for treating asthma do not include any points of the lung meridian. [note]Acupuncture Treatment of Asthma by Subhuti Dharmananda, Ph.D., Director, Institute for Traditional Medicine, Portland, Oregon, http://www.itmonline.org/arts/acuasth.htm[/note]

Rabu, 19 Oktober 2016

Acupuncture for Aspergers Syndrome

Asperger syndrome (AS) is a condition that well known as autism. Autism is a condition that related with many of developmental disabilities. 1

Asperger syndrome is a condition that related with human brain. Usually this condition will be noticed at some point of childhood age. This condition will persist through lifetime. The severeness of this disorder vary among person depending on the degree of disability. 2

The symptom of Aspergers Syndrome can vary from person to person. Common symptoms of this disorder are difficulty understanding the nuances of language, egocentric or self-absorbed, lack of eye contact, few facial expressions, and many other symptoms. 3

The cause of Aspergers Syndrome is not well known. But, the causes of this condition basically can come from 3 major factors which are genes, Environmental triggers, and unknown factors. 4

Related Acupuncture Points :


Acupuncture treatment for Aspergers Syndrome :

Acupuncture treatment for Aspergers Syndrome may not completely cure the disesase. Not only not effective, the acupuncture treatment for this condition also required patience.
Acupuncture treatment given to the sufferer of this condition consist of 2 method which are acupuncture treatment itself and also massage. The treatment conduct will aim the central nervous system and neuroendocrine function.
A form of acupuncture treatment which use to treat this condition would be a Tongue acupuncture. 5

[note]Asperger syndrome, betterhealth,https://www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/health/conditionsandtreatments/asperger-syndrome[/note]
[note]An Autism Spectrum Disorder,kidshealth.org,http://kidshealth.org/en/parents/asperger.html[/note]
[note]Signs and Symptoms of Asperger Syndrome,brainbalancecenters.com,http://www.brainbalancecenters.com/blog/2012/02/signs-and-symptoms-of-asperger-syndrome/[/note]
[note]Causes of autism spectrum disorder , NHS.uk,http://www.nhs.uk/Conditions/Autistic-spectrum-disorder/Pages/Causes.aspx[/note]
[note]Autism Treatment Through Traditional Chinese Medicine, Pacific College Of Oriental Medicine,http://www.pacificcollege.edu/news/blog/2014/09/17/autism-treatment-through-traditional-chinese-medicine[/note]

Acupuncture for Arthritis

Arthritis is a very common condition that suffer by many people no matter what their ages, sexes and races. Generally, Arthritis is a condition that attack your joint. People are said to have Arthritis disease when they feel pain in their joint. To its severe condition, the Arthritis can lead to disability. 1 It is believed that arthritis have many types. Other than that, arthritis is not well understood. Therefore, it is not surprising that this condition have so many symptom that may same as many other disease symptoms. Normally, if you said to have arthritis disease then you may have pain in your joint. Other than that, you may also have swelling in your joint. Other common symptoms of this condition would be early morning joint stiffness, tiredness, mild fevers or night sweats, or even skin rashes. 2 As explained before, not only not well understood, this condition also have many symptoms and many types. Therefore, this condition also have many cause. Cause of this disease depend on the form and types of the condition. The cause of this arthritis condition can vary from injury, abnormal metabolism, and also auto immune disease. 3 Related Acupuncture Points : SP9 Acupuncture treatment for Arthritis : As the condition manifest as a swelling or inflammatory in human body joints, then usually the treatment for this condition also targeting to relieve the inflammatory symptoms. The acupuncture treatment for this condition also targeting the chronic inflammation. Acupuncture treatment given to the sufferer of this disease are aiming at lowering tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF). 4 Acupuncture treatment for this condition is a treatment that combined all 3 method of acupuncture which are electroacupuncture (EA), traditional Chinese acupuncture (TCA) and sham acupuncture (Sham). The treatment course for the disease will run for 20 sessions over a period of 10 weeks. 5 [note] What Is Arthritis?, arthritis.org, http://www.arthritis.org/about-arthritis/understanding-arthritis/what-is-arthritis.php [/note] [note] What are the symptoms of arthritis?,arthritisresearchuk.org,http://www.arthritisresearchuk.org/arthritis-information/conditions/arthritis/symptoms.aspx[/note] [note]Arthritis Causes, emedicinehealth.com,http://www.emedicinehealth.com/arthritis/page2_em.htm[/note] [note]Can Acupuncture Help Relieve RA?, arthritis.org,http://www.arthritis.org/living-with-arthritis/treatments/natural/other-therapies/mind-body-pain-relief/ra-acupuncture.php[/note] [note]Acupuncture in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis: a double-blind controlled pilot study, biomedcentral.com,https://bmccomplementalternmed.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/1472-6882-7-35[/note]

Acupuncture for Anxiety Disorders

Anxiety disorde is a condition that make the sufferer has a sense of excessive and persistent apprehension. 1 It is a mental illness that when anxiety occurs, people feels an inappropriate amount of anxiety more often than is reasonable. 2 Anxiety disorders is considered to be a group of conditions rather than a single condition. Symptoms of this disorder would be fear of driving, uncontrollable and intrusive thought, and also worry about anything and everything. 3 Other symptoms of this disorder are panic attacks, self doubt, stage fright, and sleep problems. 4 The cause of Anxiety Disorders is not only one factor. There are many cause that contributing for this disorders which are Family history of mental health conditions, Ongoing stressful events, work stress or job change, and also death or loss of a loved one. 5 Related Acupuncture Points : HT7 KD6 LV3 PC6 SP4 SP5 SP6 Acupuncture treatment for Anxiety Disorders : The acupuncture treatment for anxiety disorder is a scalp acupuncture treatment protocol at 2 areas. The area one is between Yintang (M-HN-3) and Shangxing (DU-23) and Shenting (DU-24), and the area two is between Taiyang (M-HN-9) and Tianchong (GB-9) and Shuaigu (GB-8). 6 Other points may be used as well. A point located between the eyebrows, known as Yin Tang, has a remarkable effect on any disturbance of the Shen. Other points may be selected based on signs and symptoms. 7 [note]Definition of Anxiety disorder, MedicineNet,http://www.medicinenet.com/script/main/art.asp?articlekey=9948[/note] [note]Scalp acupuncture treatment protocol for anxiety disorders: a case report., NIH.gov,http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25105075[/note] [note]Traditional Chinese Medicine Treatment for Anxiety, healthcommunities.com,http://www.healthcommunities.com/anxiety/alternative-medicine/tcm-treatment-for-anxiety.shtml[/note] [note]What causes anxiety?, Beyond Blue.Org,https://www.beyondblue.org.au/the-facts/anxiety/what-causes-anxiety[/note] [note]What is an Anxiety Disorder? Anxiety Disorder Definition, Written by Natasha Tracy,http://www.healthyplace.com/anxiety-panic/anxiety-disorders/what-is-an-anxiety-disorder-anxiety-disorder-definition/[/note] [note]12 Signs You May Have an Anxiety Disorder, Health.Com,http://www.health.com/health/gallery/0,,20646990,00.html/view-all[/note] [note]Anxiety Disorders and Anxiety Attacks, HelpGuide.Org,http://www.helpguide.org/articles/anxiety/anxiety-attacks-and-anxiety-disorders.htm[/note]

Acupuncture for Antisocial Personality Disorder

Antisocial personality disorder (ASPD) is a condition which involving the behaviour of disregard and or violation the rights of others. People who suffer from this condition have a tendency to break the law. 1 This disorder is characterized by many symptoms which are Lack of empathy, inflated self-appraisal, and superficial charm. 2 Other symptoms of this disorder would be Lack of remorse, Recklessness, and impulsivity. 3 Genes and change in the brain are believed to be the cause of this disorder, although the exact cause is still not known. 4 Whether it is caused by the genes or brain change, usually this condition is often influenced by bad life history. 5 Related Acupuncture Points : CV6 CV17 CV22 Acupuncture treatment for Antisocial Personality Disorder : People with Antisocial Personality Disorder can be treated with acupuncture treatment. The acupuncture treatment for this condition much more alike the acupuncture treatment for depression. According to Traditional Chinese Medicine mental disorders are also reflection of imbalance in harmony of person’s energy system. 6 [note]Antisocial personality disorder, Wikipedia,https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antisocial_personality_disorder#cite_note-MayoClinic-1[/note] [note]Antisocial Personality Disorder Symptoms By Steve Bressert, Ph.D., PsychCentral.com,http://psychcentral.com/disorders/antisocial-personality-disorder-symptoms/[/note] [note]Antisocial Personality Disorder, Psychology Today,https://www.psychologytoday.com/conditions/antisocial-personality-disorder[/note] [note]Antisocial personality disorder, Mayo Clinic,http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/antisocial-personality-disorder/symptoms-causes/dxc-20198978[/note] [note]Antisocial personality disorder (sociopath), MindHealthConnect,http://www.mindhealthconnect.org.au/antisocial-personality-disorder-sociopath[/note] [note]Acupuncture for Psychiatric Disorders, By Dr Anjali Sharma,http://www.ethoshealthcare.com/acupuncture-psychiatric-disorders.html[/note]

Acupuncture for Anorexia Nervosa

Anorexia Nervosa disorder usually experienced mainly by women, especially at their young age. This disorder is a disorder when a young girl have extreme fear of weight gain. This condition will lead to excessive effort to reduce weight. 1 The symptoms of this condition would be a condition that the sufferer will reduce their body weight as much as they can. People who have this disorder will make an attempt to lose their weight like miss their meals, obsessively count the calories in food, and exercise excessively. 2 The cause of this condition is not clear. It is believe that the cause is the combination between biological, psychological and environmental. Biological means that it may be a genetic changes. Psychological means that they may have obsessive-compulsive personality traits. While environmental factors means that they may get pressure from their environment. 3 Related Acupuncture Points : BL20 BL15 SP1 HT7 SP6 Acupuncture treatment for Anorexia Nervosa : The acupuncture treatment course for this disorder would be 2 treatment per week for the first 3 week. After that, weekly treatment will be administered. Not only acupuncture treatment, people with this disorder will also be received acupressure treatment. 4 According to the acupuncture theory, this anorexia disorder is the result of organ damage and meridians of digestion. 5 [note]anorexia nervosa, Meriam Webster,http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/anorexia%20nervosa[/note] [note]Anorexia nervosa - Symptoms, NHS Choices,http://www.nhs.uk/Conditions/Anorexia-nervosa/Pages/Symptoms.aspx[/note] [note]Symptoms and causes of Anorexia Nervosa, Mayo Clinic Org,http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/anorexia/symptoms-causes/dxc-20179513[/note] [note]Acupuncture and acupressure and massage health outcomes for patients with anorexia nervosa: findings from a pilot randomized controlled trial and patient interviews., NIH Gov,http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24102480[/note] [note]Fight Eating Disorders with Chinese Medicine, AcuFinder,https://www.acufinder.com/Acupuncture+Information/Detail/Fight+Eating+Disorders+with+Chinese+Medicine[/note]