Kamis, 29 September 2016

Acupuncture for Acne

Many people experience this skin condition, where your skin will develop inflamed patches. Usually this condition will occur at your face. 1 Acne, if left untreated will cause spot. Acne can range from mild to severe condition. This condtion will mostly experienced by teenagers. 2 The type and severity of acne symptoms can vary from one person to another person. The most common symptoms for this disorder are Whiteheads, Blackheads, Small red and tender bumps, Pimples, nodules, and cystic lesions. 3 The exact cause of acne is not clear. Acne can caused by one or more factors. Most common caused for this condition are change of hormones, heredity / genetics, drugs, cosmetics, alcohol, and smoking. 4 It is believed that acupuncture can cure acne. Not only inserting of hair-thin sterile needles into the skin, the treatment of acne with acupuncture will need patient to conduct dietary changes and taking Chinese herbs and supplements.5 The acupuncture treatment for acne will involve some acupuncture point. The acupuncture point that involved for this treatment are Heavenly Pillar points, Sea of vitality, Third eye point, 4 Whites, Facial beauty, and Heavenly LI11 LI4 LU5 LI11 ST44 DU14 LI11 SP10 SP9 1 Questions and Answers about Acne, National http://www.niams.nih.gov/health_info/acne/ 2 Disease and Condition : Acne, Mayo Clinic http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases- 3 Acne, MedLine Plus https://medlineplus.gov/ency/article/000873.htm 4 Acne, Patient Info http://patient.info/health/acne-leaflet 5 Does Acne Acupuncture Treatment Work?, Adult- http://www.adult-acne.net/does-acne-acupuncture- 6 Acupuncture For Acne, Prevention http://www.prevention.com/beauty/skin-

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