Jumat, 17 Februari 2017

Acupuncture and Lymphoma

Lymphoma is the cancer that begin in lymphocytes. Lymphocytes is part of the immune system that has the function to fight any foreign invader to human body. Lymphocytes are located in the lymph nodes, spleen, thymus, bone marrow, and other parts of the body. There are two main types of lymphoma cancer, which are non-hodgkin and hodgkin. This cancer is considered as very treatable type of cancer. [note]What Is Lymphoma? - WebMD, http://www.webmd.com/cancer/lymphoma/lymphoma-cancer#1[/note]  




The sign and symptoms of lymphoma are pretty much similar to the other general illness such as common cold. However, the symptoms of lymphoma can last much longer that symptoms of general illness. Most common symptom of lymphoma is enlarged lymph nodes. The enlarged lymph nodes are usually painless. The enlarged lymph nodes could be located at the neck, armpits, and groin. Other symptoms that might be indicating the present of lymphoma including swelling in the legs or ankles, abdomen bloating and cramping, night sweat and fever, sudden weight loss, loss of appetite, fatigue, and persistent coughing. [note]Lymphoma: Symptoms and Diagnosis, http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/146136.php?page=2[/note]  


Again, like many other disease, the exact cause of lymphoma is also not known. However, there are some risk factors that contributing to the chance of having this disease, which are age, Infections such as HIV, autoimmune disease, exposure to toxic chemicals, and genetic. [note]Lymphoma Cancer: Treatment, Symptoms, Causes & Survival Rate, http://www.emedicinehealth.com/lymphoma/page2_em.htm#what_are_lymphoma_causes_and_risk_factors[/note]  


Related Acupuncture Points : Li4, Lv3, Sp21, Ren15 and ashi points. Li10 and Li11 Acupuncture Treatment For Lymphoma Lymphoma or malignant lymphoma is another kind of cancer that may exist in our body. To treat this disease, the acupuncturist must know the underlying pattern of this disease. There are 5 known pattern, which are cold and phlegm congelation and stagnation, qi depression and phlegm binding, wind heat and blood dryness, liver-kidney depletion and detriment , and qi and blood dual vacuity. After recognize the pattern, then acupuncturist can determine the appropriate method of treatment including the acupoints selected, needling technique, and treatment duration. [note]Chinese Medical Treatment of Malignant Lymphoma - ChiroFind, http://chirofind.com/mpacms/at/article.php?id=28009[/note]  

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