Jumat, 17 Februari 2017

Acupuncture and Muscle Cramps

Muscle cramp is spontaneous tension in our muscle. This condition make us feel intense pain. This muscle cramp make our muscle getting contracted rather than relax. This disorder can happen to anybody at some point of their life. [note]Muscle Cramps: Home Remedies, Treatment & Causes - MedicineNet, http://www.medicinenet.com/muscle_cramps/article.htm[/note]  




Because muscle getting contracted suddenly, the obvious symptom of this condition is intense pain. Getting this disorder make us unable to move our body properly. There are many types of muscle cramp. This condition of muscle cramp or spasm can be stopped by stretching our muscle. Muscle cramp usually happen during sport activity, but it also can happen when we rest, or when we sleep during the night. [note]Symptoms and causes - Muscle cramp - Mayo Clinic, http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/muscle-cramp/symptoms-causes/dxc-20186052[/note]  


The most possible cause of muscle cramp is dehydration. Other thing that can cause muscle cramp would be certain medicine. As this condition usually happen during sport activity, therefore it is mandatory for anybody to stretch and warming up their muscle before they do their exercise. [note]Nighttime Leg Cramps: What Causes Muscle Spasms and Late-Night, http://www.webmd.com/sleep-disorders/tc/nighttime-leg-cramps-topic-overview#1[/note]  


Related Acupuncture Points : GV26 CV24 GB34 LI1 LI4 Acupuncture Treatment For Muscle Cramps One of the muscle that can be get cramped is harmstring. It is often happen to people who love to sport. This disorder happen at the level of the muscles and tendons, along with qi and blood stagnation in the channels and collaterals. This disorder is closely related to the bladder meridian taiyang. The acupuncture treatment for this disorder may need up to six sessions of treatment. The treatment will be given for three weeks. There are 2 sessions of treatment per week. To treat this muscle cramps or injury, there are four steps of acupuncture treatment. The four steps of treatment including the related acupoints are as follow : 1. Quickly reducing pain and increasing the range of motion - Bl 67 (Zhiyin) 2. Utilizing the meridian and microsystem points that are not located at the site of injury - Bl 65 (Shugu) affected side + SI 3 (Houxi) opposite side 3. Using points that benefit the qi, the blood, and the zangfu organs. 4. Using local and adjacent points at the site of injury - Bl 37 (Yinmen) [note]Acupuncture Treatment of the Hamstring Muscle Group | Pacific College, http://www.pacificcollege.edu/news/blog/2015/02/15/acupuncture-treatment-hamstring-muscle-group[/note]  

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