Rabu, 26 Oktober 2016

Acupuncture and Astigmatism

Astigmatism , is a condition that people not aware with its name. This condition is a disesase that is marked by the problem with how the eye get a focus of incoming light. The light that enter the eye is not focused into one single spot, instead the light focus at more than one focus point, which in turn it produce unclear vision. [note]Astigmatism Reviewed by Jill E. Bixler, M.D., http://kellogg.umich.edu/patientcare/conditions/astigmatism.html[/note] Astigmatism is not a disease nor does it mean that you have "bad eyes." It simply means that you have a variation or disturbance in the shape of your cornea. [note]Astigmatism, allaboutvision.com, http://www.allaboutvision.com/conditions/astigmatism.htm[/note]  







The eye failure to focus the incoming light can produce many symptoms such as image blurring at all distances, headache, and eye discomfort. [note]Refractive Error: How to Relieve Your Symptoms, vision-and-eye-health.com, http://www.vision-and-eye-health.com/astigmatism-natural-therapies.html[/note]  


The failure to focus incoming light to the eye is caused by irregular shape of the cornea or lens of the eyes. The rough surface of eye’s cornea make the light ray not refracted properly. [note]What Causes Astigmatism? Written by: Kierstan Boyd Reviewed by: Brenda Pagan-Duran MD, http://www.aao.org/eye-health/diseases/astigmatism-causes[/note]  


Related Acupuncture Points : BL1, KI6, LV3, LV14, LI4 and Tai Yang Acupuncture treatment for Astigmatism : Because this condition is mainly relating with the eye, no wonder that acupuncture treatment for Astigmatism is mainly targeting the acupoints surrounding the eyes of the sufferer. Acupressure for the eye is designed to relieve or unblock any disruptions to chi flow to the eye. Although this condition mainly related with the eye, the acupuncture treatment also try to cure the disorder by treating other human organ like liver and spleen. [note]Astigmatism Reviewed by Jill E. Bixler, M.D., http://kellogg.umich.edu/patientcare/conditions/astigmatism.html[/note]

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