Rabu, 26 Oktober 2016

Acupuncture and Bad Breath (Halitosis)

The bad breath, or halitosis, as the name suggest would be a condition that simply there is a bad odour or smell from our mouth. So much worse that other person around us can easily smell the odour. [note]Halitosis Definition, By Dr. Harold Katz - Bad Breath Expert, http://www.therabreath.com/halitosis-definition.html[/note]  







Bad breath is a condition that might make the sufferer feel ashame, because other people will usually smell a bad odour from the mouth. [note]Bad Breath (Halitosis), Written by Holly McGurgan, Medically Reviewed by Steve Kim, MD on February 29, 2016, http://www.healthline.com/health/bad-breath[/note] As the name suggest so, this condition symptoms woulb be bad smell from out mouth.  


Many things can cause this illness or condition. Mostly, the cause of halitosis would be bacterias or debris that lies within our mouth. Other cause of this bad breath condition are dry mouth, medication, and smokling habit. [note]What are the causes and types of bad breath?, patient.info, http://patient.info/health/bad-breath-halitosis#nav-2[/note]  


Related Acupuncture Points : Ren 24, PC 8 Acupuncture treatment for Bad Breath (Halitosis) Many people not sure that acupuncture can cure halitosis. However, it is indeed that acupuncture treatment can cure it. Although the successful rate of the treatment will depend on the cause of the illness. The treatment given will depend on the cause of halitosis. According to traditional Chinese medicine, the cause of the bad breath or halitosis would be a condition that is called as hot abdomen. Therefore, the treatment given will aim to cure this condition. [note]Acupuncture New York can treat Halitosis, workingwellness.com Acupuncture New York can treat Halitosis,, http://www.workingwellness.com/tag/new-york-acupuncture-treatment/[/note]

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