Rabu, 19 Oktober 2016

Acupuncture for Anxiety Disorders

Anxiety disorde is a condition that make the sufferer has a sense of excessive and persistent apprehension. 1 It is a mental illness that when anxiety occurs, people feels an inappropriate amount of anxiety more often than is reasonable. 2 Anxiety disorders is considered to be a group of conditions rather than a single condition. Symptoms of this disorder would be fear of driving, uncontrollable and intrusive thought, and also worry about anything and everything. 3 Other symptoms of this disorder are panic attacks, self doubt, stage fright, and sleep problems. 4 The cause of Anxiety Disorders is not only one factor. There are many cause that contributing for this disorders which are Family history of mental health conditions, Ongoing stressful events, work stress or job change, and also death or loss of a loved one. 5 Related Acupuncture Points : HT7 KD6 LV3 PC6 SP4 SP5 SP6 Acupuncture treatment for Anxiety Disorders : The acupuncture treatment for anxiety disorder is a scalp acupuncture treatment protocol at 2 areas. The area one is between Yintang (M-HN-3) and Shangxing (DU-23) and Shenting (DU-24), and the area two is between Taiyang (M-HN-9) and Tianchong (GB-9) and Shuaigu (GB-8). 6 Other points may be used as well. A point located between the eyebrows, known as Yin Tang, has a remarkable effect on any disturbance of the Shen. Other points may be selected based on signs and symptoms. 7 [note]Definition of Anxiety disorder, MedicineNet,http://www.medicinenet.com/script/main/art.asp?articlekey=9948[/note] [note]Scalp acupuncture treatment protocol for anxiety disorders: a case report., NIH.gov,http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25105075[/note] [note]Traditional Chinese Medicine Treatment for Anxiety, healthcommunities.com,http://www.healthcommunities.com/anxiety/alternative-medicine/tcm-treatment-for-anxiety.shtml[/note] [note]What causes anxiety?, Beyond Blue.Org,https://www.beyondblue.org.au/the-facts/anxiety/what-causes-anxiety[/note] [note]What is an Anxiety Disorder? Anxiety Disorder Definition, Written by Natasha Tracy,http://www.healthyplace.com/anxiety-panic/anxiety-disorders/what-is-an-anxiety-disorder-anxiety-disorder-definition/[/note] [note]12 Signs You May Have an Anxiety Disorder, Health.Com,http://www.health.com/health/gallery/0,,20646990,00.html/view-all[/note] [note]Anxiety Disorders and Anxiety Attacks, HelpGuide.Org,http://www.helpguide.org/articles/anxiety/anxiety-attacks-and-anxiety-disorders.htm[/note]

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