Rabu, 07 Desember 2016

Acupuncture and Hay Fever

Hay fever is a condition that are considered as an allergic disease. It is marked by runny or stuffy nose. The disease is somewhat a very common disease. It is also known as Allergic Rhinitis. The disease takes two different forms which are seasonal and perennial. Seasonal forms means that the patient only occur at some point of time like in spring or in early fall. Perennial forms means that the disorder can be experienced throughout the whole year. [note]Allergic Rhinitis, acaai.org, http://acaai.org/allergies/types/hay-fever-rhinitis[/note]  







The symptoms that are brought by the hay fever can vary from person to person. Not only the kind of symptoms that vary, the severity of the symptom also can be different. Thecommon symptom of hay fever including sneezing, itchy skin, runny nose, nasal congestion, and eye irritation. [note]What is hay fever? What are hay fever symptoms and signs?, medicinenet.com, http://www.medicinenet.com/hay_fever/article.htm[/note]  


Hay fever is an allergic reaction of our body to the allergen. Hay fever is mostly caused by an allergen called pollen. The pollen can irritating our mouth, nose, eyes and throat. The irritation triggering an allergic reaction of our body. Allergic reaction emerge because our body overreact to an allergen that is perceived to be a threat. [note]Hay fever - Causes, NHS Choices, http://www.nhs.uk/Conditions/Hay-fever/Pages/Causes.aspx[/note]  


Related Acupuncture Points : Ren-7/ Ren-9/ K-16 Acupuncture Treatment For Hay Fever In acupuncture treatment practise point of view, hay fever happen because there is kidney deficiency. The symptoms of this disorder are mainly cause by the heat. In order to remove the heat, acupuncturist will treat points that are usually located at the channels / meridian that end or start near the eyes and nose. To treat the kidney deficiency, acupoints chosen would be acupoints that will strengthen the function of the kidney. Strengthening the kidney will need some treatment sessions. There could be 6 sessions during 6 weeks, thus 1 treatment each week. [note]Treating hay fever and other allergies with acupuncture, http://www.curepoint.co.uk/acupuncture-hayfever-allergies.php#.V95HhaInLYg[/note]

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