Selasa, 01 November 2016

Acupuncture and Burns

As the word suggest, burns is a damaged skin condition that caused by heat, such as heat from fire, explosion, or even hot steam or water. People that get burns usually will feel pain. The pain that feel by the patient is not depend on how serious the burn. Serious burn may not be feel more painful compare with small burn and vice versa. The treatment given by doctor will depend on the severity of the condition. There are classifications regarding how serious the burns is, which are first degree, second degree, and third degree. Each degree has its own condition. [note]Burns and scalds,,[/note]  







As explained earlier, the main symptoms of burns condition is pain and damaged skin. Other than that, burns can cause red or peeling skin, blisters, swelling, or charred skin. [note]Diseases and Conditions, Burns; Mayo Clinic,[/note]  


The main cause of burns is heat that coming from many source. There are some name that related with burn which explain the source of the heat. Flame burns is burns that cause by heat from fire. Scald is burns that caused by heat from liquid source such as hot water or chemical liquid. Contact burns is a burns that caused by the heat received from contact with hot source such as cigarettes. While electrical burns is the burns that caused by heat from electrical source. [note]Burns,,[/note]  


Related Acupuncture Points : - Acupuncture treatment for Burns Acupuncture treatment given to the patient that have burn will be vary depending on the location, size, and severity of the burns. The treatment will usually targeting the acupoint near the location of the burns. The main principle of the treatment is still the same, which is removing the qi and blood blockage. By removing the blockage, hopefully the wound by the burns will quickly healed. Sometimes, the treatment given will be combined with the treatment using the herbal medicine. [note]Manaka Ion Pumping Cords Effective for Burns and Whiplash, By Brette Luck, Lac,[/note]

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