People with ear infection disease will feel one or more symptoms like mild pain or discomfort inside the ear, fussiness (especially in young infants), puss-like air drainage, and hearing loss. [note]Ear Infections, Written by Bree Normandin and Marijane Leonard,[/note]
Ear infection is happen because of the existence of bacterium or virus inside our middle ear. This existence of bacterium or virus is happen because of another cause such as cold, flu, or allergy, which then cause the congestion and swelling of organ like nasal passages, throat and eustachian tubes. [note]Diseases and Conditions Ear infection (middle ear),,[/note]
RELATED ACUPUNCTURE POINTS : TH5 GB41 GB20 TH17 GB2 LI4 TH3 TH5 GB40 GB41 LI4 LI11 GV14 SP9 GB34 LV13 LV3 ACUPUNCTURE TREATMENT FOR EAR INFECTION Basically, acupuncture treat the ear infection by removing external pathogen, clear away the dampness,and then recover the function of the meridian system. The acupoints that used in this treatment would be : - LI4, LU7 and GB20, which is responsible to clear away the external wind using body natural defenses. This action will also give benefit to expel the dizziness, head pain and visual disturbances. - TE5 and GB41 is useful to release the exterior pressure. This points also has influenced to ear. - CV12 and ST40, which mainly used to reduce nausea and epigastric discomfort. - TE17 and GB2 is two points that is used to treat the disorder of the ear. [note]Ear Infections and acupuncture, by Therese. Posted on August 9, 2013,[/note]
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