People with the drugs abuse or addiction usually perform symptoms such as intense urges for the drug, Making certain of supply of the drug, stealing the drugs, problems with daily works, unable to stop using the drug, withdrawal symptoms, and spending unsual amount of money on drugs. [note]Diseases and Conditions : Drug Abuse,,[/note]
The cause of drugs abuse could be come from genetic factors, Co-occuring conditions, and environmental factor. Genetic factor means that having drugs abuse parents or relatives can lead a children being a drug abuser too. Co-occuring conditions mean that drugs abuse can cause by other illness such as mental illness. Environmental factor mean that living in an environment that close to the drug abuser can lead someone as a drug abuser too. [note]Drug Abuse Causes: What is the Cause of Drug Abuse?, Written by Natasha Tracy,[/note]
Related Acupuncture Points : kidney," "lung," "liver," "sympathetic," and "shenmen Acupuncture treatment for Drug Abuse The role of acupuncture for curing drug abuse already recognised by the WHO. After receiving certain treatment, the patient of drug abuse have reported increasing level of many hormone such as enkephalin, epinephrine, endorphin, serotonin, norepinephrine, and dopamine. One method of acupuncture, which is auricular acupuncture is in treating alcohol and drug abuse. [note]Acupuncture therapy for drug addiction, Farid Esmaeili Motlagh, Fatimah Ibrahim,[/note]
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