Sabtu, 12 November 2016

Acupuncture and Depression

In our daily life, there are so many things happen. This things can make us happy or sad. So it is normal if somebody is happy at one day and then feeling sad in another day. Depression is different with daily change of mood, because people are said to be depressed if he or she feel unhappy for more than few days. It can be last for weeks even months. Although seems hopeless, fortunately, people with depression can recover completely if being treated and supported. [note]Clinical depression, NHS Choices,[/note]  







Depression can have many symptoms, such as feeling of helpless and hopeless, loss of interest to daily activities, loss of appetite, insomnia, easily get anger, fatigue, and self-loathing. [note]Depression Symptoms and Warning Signs,,[/note]  


One event in our life can not make us being depressed. Depression is a gradual process caused by many recent events and personal factors. However, one event, especially a great scale of life changing event can make a person heavily depressed. The depression is also depend on each person mental strength. Basically, depression are caused by combination of live events, personal factors, and changes in the brain. [note]What causes depression?,,[/note]  


Related Acupuncture Points : LI5 LI7 LU3 LV3 SP1 Acupuncture treatment for Depression According to the acupuncture treatment practise, the disorder of depression is caused by the stagnation of qi at liver and spleen. This liver and spleen qi stagnation and deficiency cause many symptoms. So, please note that the depression is not the main symptom. Other symptom like tiredness, irritability, frustration, and restlessness may come along with the primary symptom. The course of treatment would last for 12 sessions and the treatment given usually each week. The treatment given not only consist of primary traditional acupuncture but also involved electrical acupuncture, moxibustion, and even massage. The acupoints involved in this treatment is somewhat numerous. Some of the acupoints used are Liver 3, ST36, Large Intestine 4, Pericardium 6, and YinTang. [note]Acupuncture for Depression: Patterns of Diagnosis and Treatment within a Randomised Controlled Trial,,[/note]

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