The symptom of eczema is clearly an itchy sensation of the skin that is affected by the disease. The itchy rash can appear anywhere on the skin of our body. The ezcema rash will look red, very dry, thickened, or scally, Because of scratch action, the affected area could be appeared darker or lighter due to affected skin pigmentation. [note]Skin Conditions and Eczema, WebMd,[/note]
Eczema mostly is caused by genetic or inherited factors. People that have parents with atopic eczema disorder will have the likelihood of having this disorder also. However, the good news is that eczema is not an infectious disease, so that it can not be spread through close contact with the sufferer. [note]Atopic eczema - Causes, NHS Choices,[/note]
RELATED ACUPUNCTURE POINTS : SP10 ACUPUNCTURE TREATMENT FOR ECZEMA Acupuncture is believed to have the ability to cure the eczema quite well, especially if combined with medical herbs. It is so promising so that even after 1 treatment the eczema symptom like itching can reduce by 50%. Acupuncture will use needle as the primary tool when dealing with eczema. The course of the treatment would last up to three months depending on the severity of the disease. The treatment will be given weekly after some successful intial treatment. When treating the patient, the acupuncturist must consider the patient’s qi strength so that the treatment will be appropriate. [note]Treating Childhood Eczema With Acupuncture and Chinese Herbs, By Soma Glick,[/note]
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