Kamis, 16 Februari 2017

Acupuncture and Jaundice

Jaundice is a condition that is characterized by yellowish or greenish color of the skin and white area of the eyes. If somebody having this jaundice condition, he or she may feel itchiness and the feces may be pale and the urine have dark color. This condition is a common condition experienced by new born babies. Prolonged experience of this condition can make brain damage to the baby. Jaundice is also called yellow disease. [note]Jaundice - Wikipedia, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jaundice[/note]  




There are some types of jaundice which are pre-hepatic, intra-hepatic, and post hepatic. The most common sign and symptoms of jaundice are yellowish or greenish color of the skin and white area in the eye, pale color of the stool, and dark color of the urine. [note]Jaundice - NHS Choices, http://www.nhs.uk/conditions/Jaundice/Pages/Introduction.aspx[/note]  


Jaundice happen because of high level of billirubin. The overproduction of billirubin make the liver hard to dispose of it. This condition make the billirubin getting disposed in tissues. The condition that make overproduction of billirubin are Acute inflammation of the liver, Inflammation of the bile duct, Obstruction of the bile duct, Hemolytic anemia, Gilbert's syndrome, and Cholestasis. [note]Jaundice: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments - Medical News Today, http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/165749.php[/note]  


Related Acupuncture Points : SP9 Acupuncture Treatment For Jaundice The acupuncture treatment for jaundice will be performed under following pattern : 1. Damp / Heat Treatment principle : induce diuresis, clear Heat, soothe Liver Gallbladder Acupoints chosen : foot jueyin and shaoyang, BL 19, GB 34, LR 3, SI 4 (Yuan, separate clear from turbid, induce diuresis) 2. Dampness in low Jiao Treatment principle : strengthen Spleen Stomach, induce diuresis Acupoints chosen : Du 9 (below T9- level with inferior scapular border), Ren 12 & ST 36 & BL 20 (damp), BL 19 & SP 6 (soothe Gallbladder, induce diuresis) 3. Toxic Heat Treatment principle : clear Heat, detoxify, cool blood, clear Ying Xue Heat Acupoints chosen : Du, foot jueyin, Du 14, 26, BL 18, 19 & GB 34 (purge Liver Gallbladder toxic heat), LI 4 & LR 3 (4 gates- purge heat, severe), HT 9 (bleed) 4. Yang deficient Cold Treatment principle : warm mid Jiao, expel cold, transform Damp, strengthen Spleen Acupoints chosen : foot taiyin and yangming, LR 13 & BL 20, Ren 12 & ST 36,(warm and transform), SP 6, *SI 4 (empirical for jaundice) [note]Chinese Herbal and Acupuncture Treatment Protocols for Jaundice ..., https://theory.yinyanghouse.com/conditions-treated/alternative-natural-options-for-jaundice[/note]  

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