Selasa, 08 November 2016

Acupuncture and Cough

Cough is our body response to clear our air passage inside the body. The air passage can be strained by many things like secretions, irritants, foreign particles and microbes. The cough itself happen through some process which is an inhalation, a forced exhalation against a closed glottis, and a violent release of air from the lungs following opening of the glottis, usually accompanied by a distinctive sound. Coughing can happen spontaneous or unspontaneously. You have to be aware if you have frequent coughing. Because frequent coughing indicating the presence of disease inside our body. [note]Cough, From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia,[/note]  







Cough is a symptom. However, other symptom may come along with the cough. Symptoms that accompany the cough depend on the cause, whether it is infectious and noninfectious causes. Symptom that come along with the infectious cause would be fever, chills, body aches, sore throat, nausea, and vomiting. Noninfectious cause will have the symptom like wheezing, coughs that routinely worsen when an indivdual goes to certain locations or do certain activities, or coughs that improve with inhalers or allergy medications. [note]Cough Symptoms,,[/note]  


Normally, cough is a normal condition. However, persistent cough could be a sign of a serious medical problems. Cough can be categorized into acute and chronic caugh. It is said as acute cough if the cough last less than three weeks, while it is said as an chronic cough if the cough last longer than 8 weeks. The acute cough is caused by common cold, flu, irritants, and pneumonia. And chronic cough is caused by allergies, asthma, bronchitis, and post nasal drip. [note]Diseases and Conditions : Cough,,[/note]  


Related Acupuncture Points : LI18 LU1 LU5 LU9 SP18 SP19 SP20 ST11 ST12 ST13 Acupuncture treatment for Cough Acupuncture sees the cough as the disease caused by 2 cause, which are external and internal cause. External cause for this condition would be the invasion of the outside force to the body such as wind. Internal cause of cough is due the dysfunction of internal organ, which are phlegm-dampness cough, liver-fire cough, and yin-deficiency cough. A wind-cold, which is regarded as external cause will cause a choking cough, scratchy throat with thin white phlegm, aversion to cold, headache and stuffy runny nose. While Internally-caused phlegm-dampness is caused by a deficiency of the lungs and spleen which in turn cause the excess production of phlegm and dampness. [note]Chronic Cough,,[/note]

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