Selasa, 22 November 2016

Acupuncture and Eye Problems

Eye problems are any problem or disorder that related with human eye. Because eye is very important, then you can not consider any eye problem as simple disorder as it may lead to permanent loss of vision. There are many problems that related with eyes including cataracts, glaucoma, retinal disorder, diabetic eye problem, and Conjunctivitis. You should see your doctor immediately if you have any symptoms like pain, double vision, fluid coming from the eye, and inflammation. [note]Eye Diseases , MedLinePlus,[/note]  







Although regarded as very important organs, unfortunately many eye disorder don’t have any early symptom. The symptom will show up if the eyes disorder already at the advanced stage. There are many symptoms that you should aware regarding eye problems, which are pain, redness, inflammation, change in vision, and flashes of light. [note]Eye Pain: Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment, webMd,[/note]  


Eyes consist of many parts that have their own function. Every disorder to these eyes part will cause each own symptom or eye problems. Any disorder in cornea will reduce the ability of the eye to receive the incoming light. Disorder at the eye nerve will effect the ability of the brain to receive the visual information from the eye. And any problems with eyelids will cause the eye not having enough fluid, so that it will easily be irritated. [note]Diseases and Disorders,,[/note]  


Related Acupuncture Points : LI14 LI2 LV3 ST2 ST4 Acupuncture Treatment For Eye Problems The acupuncture treatment for eye problems is done by treating the acupoints that are located at the forehead and below the eyes. This treatment of the specific acupoints also be combined with body acupuncture. The acupuncture method used is by using electroacupuncture method. The treatment course for this disorder would last for around two weeks with the total treatment hour is 10 hours. However, please note that the acupuncture treatment must be performed by professional and licensed acupuncturist [note]A pilot study of an acupuncture protocol to improve visual function in retinitis pigmentosa patients,,[/note]

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