Selasa, 22 November 2016

Acupuncture and Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia is syndrome. Which mean fibromyalgia is a disorder that are a group of many symptoms. Fibromyalgia is a syndrome that affects the muscle and soft tissue of human body. Fibromyalgia can be healed by medications, lifestyle changes and also stress management. [note]Fibromyalgia Health Center, webMD,[/note]  







There are many symptoms that can be associated with fibromyalgia. One main symptom of this disorder is pain that spread all over the body. The pain could be anywhere, but it can be felt worse at certain places like neck or back. The patient of fibromyalgia describe the pain as an ache, or burning sensation, or stabing pain. Other symptoms that may come along with disorder of fibromyalgia would be Extreme sensitivity, Stiffness, fatigue, poor sleep quality, Cognitive problems, headaches, and also Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) [note]Fibromyalgia - Symptoms , NHS Choices,[/note]  


There are many factors that regarded or thought to be the cause of fibromyalgia. These factors works together producing the disorder of fibromyalgia. The factors are genetics, infections, and Physical or emotional trauma. [note]Diseases and Conditions Fibromyalgia,,[/note]  


Related Acupuncture Points : SP21 Acupuncture Treatment For Fibromyalgia In acupuncture treatment point of view, there are 4 patterns that might be the path of fibromyalgia : 1. Qi stagnation at liver : If the patient having fibromyalgia due to this cause, then the patient will show symptom such as anxiety, emotional upset, headaches, insomnia, etc. This qi stagnation at liver might be cured by treating at the acupuncture points of yin tang, LI 4, LV 3, GB 34, an mian, ren 17, ren 12, ST 25, SP 6, UB 18, 19, and 20 2. Qi deficiency at spleen : This defiency will cause symptom in the like of chronic fatigue, exhaustion, dull headache, insomnia, etc. Treatment for this cause will concentrate at acupoints of LI 4, ST 36, ren 12, SP 6, 10, PC 6, HT 6, 7, Kid 3, and UB 17, 20. 3. General stagnation of qi and blood flow : This cause will produce symptom such as aches and pains in the whole body, tingling sensation at extremities, and also headaches. Treatment for this condition focus at acupoints of DU 20, LI 4, 10, ST 36, SP 9, 10, LV 3, PC 6, UB 17, 18 4. Kidney deficiency : The symptom that cause by this deficiency would be impotence or lack of libido for males and infertility issues for both males and females. Acupuncturist will treat the patient by targeting the acupoints of ren 3, 4, 6, LI 11, LV 2, GB 39, Kid 3, 6, 7, SP6, and UB 23, 31 [note]Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medical Approaches for Fibromyalgia, By Douglas Yi Wang, Lac, Dipl. Ac., MD (China),[/note]

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