Osteomyelitis could be acute or chronic. Each of them have its respective symptoms. However, there are most common symptoms of osteomyelitis which are bone pain and high temperature. The symptom of acute myelitis including sudden fever, severe bone pain, swelling, redness, sense of feeling unwell, affected part is tender and warm. And the symptoms of chronic osteomyelitis are bone pain, persistent feeling tired, local swelling, skin changes, excessive sweating, and chills. [note]Osteomyelitis - Symptoms - NHS Choices,[/note]
The cause of osteomyelitis are mostly caused by staphylococcus bacteria. This germs can be found on the skin or in the nose. The germs can enter the bone by or through : - Through the bloodstream - Infected tissues or prosthetic joints - Open wounds [note]Osteomyelitis Causes - Mayo Clinic,[/note]
Related Acupuncture Points : ST31 KI10 GB31 BL11 LV6 SP12 GV3 Acupuncture Treatment For Osteomyelitis Acupuncture has become an alternative way of treatment to the disorder of Osteomyelitis. To treat this disorder, acupuncture target the 12 acupoints. Among them are BL40, BL60, GB34, and ST36 (bilateral). Needle with the size of 0.25 mm x 40 mm is used in this treatment. After being inserted to the appropriate acupoints, the therapist will give stimulation by his or her hand. The needles will stay on its place for up to 25 minutes. the acupuncture sessions will be performed three times per week for three weeks (nine times in total). [note]Acupuncture in Patients with a Vertebral Compression Fracture - NCBI,[/note]
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