The symptoms of disorder are : - False hearing - Depression - Anxiety - Disturbed concentration Irrittating [note]Tinnitus Symptoms and causes - Mayo Clinic,[/note]
The cause of tinnitus are : - Hearing loss that cause by loud noise - Ear infection - Heart and blood vessel disease - Meniere disease - Brain tumors - Stress - Certain medication - Head injury - Excessive ear wax [note]Tinnitus - Causes - NHS Choices,[/note]
Related Acupuncture Points : LI6 LV3 SP6 ST7 Acupuncture Treatment For Tinnitus Treatment of tinnitus with acupuncture treatment is considered to be an effective treatment. In treating the tinnitus, acupuncturist will use needle in the length of 40 mm. The needles are quickly inserted to each acupoint. Manipulation is given using electroacupuncture until de qi sensation. Treatment is given to the acupoints of TB17 (Yifeng), GB2 (Tinghui), SJ21 (Ermen), SI19 (Tinggong), LU7 (Lieque), GB43 (Xiaxi), SJ3 (Zhongzhu), LR3 (Taichong) and GB40 (Qiuxu). TB17, GB2 and SJ21. For last 3 acupoints treatment given can be unilateral or bilateral depending on which ear get affected. Treatment course will given each day for 10 days. [note]Acupuncture & Ginger Moxibustion Effective for Tinnitus - HealthCMi,[/note]
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