Sciatica has most common symptoms like following : - Pain at the lower back - Leg pain that getting worse when sitting - Hip pain - Burning or tingling feeling - Weakness - Numbness - Constant pain at the rear part of the body [note]Sciatica Symptoms, Causes, Treatments, Exercise - WebMD,[/note]
Sciatica mostly caused by : - Lumbar herniated disc - Degenerative disc disease - Bone spurs - Lumbar spinal stenosis - Sacroiliac joint dysfunction - Piriformis syndrome [note]Sciatica Causes - Spine-Health,[/note]
Related Acupuncture Points : GB30 BL32 Acupuncture Treatment For Sciatica Acupuncture consider to be a safe treatment method to treat sciatica. Treating sciatica with acupuncture, acupuncturist will targeting the acupoints of Huantiao (GB 32), Weizhong (BL 40), and Yanglingquan (GB 34).Stimulation for these acupoints are done using manual or electro stimulator. Duration of treatment for this disorder will last from1 to 4 weeks depend on the each patient condition. [note]Effectiveness of Acupuncture for Treating Sciatica: A Systematic,[/note]
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