Sabtu, 25 Maret 2017

Acupuncture and Ovarian Cyst

Cysts are described as sacs that is contained wth fluid. Ovarian cysts are type of cysts that growth within or on the surface of an ovary. The ovary is an organ with the size and shape of an almond. It is located on each side of the woman’s uterus. Each woman normally would have two ovaries. The function of ovariy is producing eggs or ova. Matured eggs then released monthly. Mostly, the ovarian cysts will disappear without treatment within months, and usually woman not realised that she has ovarian cysts. [note]Ovarian cysts - Mayo Clinic,[/note]  




Most often, ovarian cysts don’t produce any symptoms. Usually symptom will appear if ovarian cysts have grown into considerable size. The symptoms of ovarian cysts are painful bowel movements, pelvic pain during menstrual period, pain during sex, lower back pain, breast tenderness, nausea, vomiting, severe pelvic pain, fever, fainting, dizzy, and rapid breathing. [note]Ovarian Cysts: Types, Symptoms, and Treatment - Healthline,[/note]  


Every woman will have ovarian cysts at some point of time in their life. It is developed naturally. The cause of ovarian cysts are failure to release the egg, abnormal growth, endometriosis, [note]Ovarian cyst - NHS Choices,[/note]  


Related Acupuncture Points : CV3 CV5 SP9 ST29 Acupuncture Treatment For Ovarian Cyst Ovarian cyst is a closed pocket or pouch of tissue that is located within ovarian. According to the chinese medication practise, ovarian cyst is happen due to the stagnation of excess yin in the ovarian. Cysts and tumors are considered caused by stagnation of qi and phlegm. The acupuncture therapist treat the patient of ovarian cyst by performing electroacupuncture at the acupoints of the Liver and Gall Bladder meridians. Aditional acupoint of Spleen 9 and stomach 40 can be added if needed. The treatment will be given three times a week. [note]Putting the Big Hurt on Uterine and Ovarian Cysts - Acupuncture Today,[/note]  

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