Sabtu, 25 Maret 2017

Acupuncture and Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a condition where a woman have offspring inside their body or womb. Pregnancy is also called as gravidity or gestation. Pregnancy mostly related with one off spring, however, sometimes there are more than one offspring, like in twins pregnancy. Pregnancy usually lasted for 38 weeks, where a woman who got pregnant will deliver the baby. [note]Pregnancy - Wikipedia,[/note]  




There are many symptoms of pregnancy. Symptoms of pregnancy are not the same between woman. Sign of pregnancy usually are : - Missed menstrual periode - Tender and enlarge breasts - Nausea - Vomiting - Hunger - Frequent urination [note]Pregnancy Symptoms: Early Signs That You Might Be Pregnant,[/note]  


Generally, pregnancy occur because of sexual intercourse between married couple. However, as of now, when technology is much more advance, pregnancy can happen because of assisted reproductive technology. [note]How Pregnancy Happens | How Long Does It Take To Get Pregnant,[/note]  


Related Acupuncture Points : KD3 GB30 GB34 LV3 UB40 Acupuncture Treatment For Pregnancy Acupuncture treatment is believed to have a good benefit for pregnant woman. The benefit of the treatment depend on the period of the pregnancy. The acupuncture treatment given during first trimester of pregnancy will give benefit such as ease the morning sickness, preventing miscarriage, and reduce fatique. Treatment at this first trimester is given every week. The treatment at the second trimester will give benefit which is supporting the development of the baby. Treatment at this second trimester is given 2 times per month. The treatment at the last trimester will benefit the pregnant woman by reliefing pain and help them to face the labor time. [note]Acupuncture Treatment during Pregnancy - Nancy Rakela, OMD, Lac,[/note]  

1 komentar:

  1. There are various benefits of acupuncture during pregnancy. hanks for sharing this blog. Read some online fertility books to know more about the information throughout pregnancy.
