Selasa, 28 Maret 2017

Acupuncture and Smoking

Smoking is a bad habit. It is a practice of burning some substance and then the smoke produce by the burning action get inhale. The substance being burned is usually dried tobacco leaves. The dried leaved placed in small paper and then get rolled to make cylinder shape. This cylinder shaped contained with dried tobacco leaves is called cigarette. Smoking is practiced as a recreational activity. [note]Smoking - Wikipedia,[/note]  




Smoking is a bad habit for health and can bring following symptoms : - Shortness of breath - Chest pain - Persistent cough - Hoarseness - Sore throat - Dry mouth - Many type of cancer [note]Smoking (Cigarette) Causes, Symptoms, Treatment - What Are the,[/note]  


Although can bring many disease, however so many people still prevent their smoking habit. This is because chemical content within cigarette make the smoker get addicted. Therefore it is really hard for smoker to stop smoking whatsoever. [note]10 of the Worst Diseases Smoking Causes | American Lung Association,[/note]  


Related Acupuncture Points : ShenMen Kidney Sympathethic Lung Upper And Lower Hunger or Mouth Tim Mee LI4 LV3 Acupuncture Treatment For Smoking Smoking is a bad habit. People who smoking should considered to stop smoking. However, stop smoking is not easy. Fortunately, acupuncture can help smoker who stop smoking., The method used by acupuncturist to treat the smoker is by performing ear acupuncture. Ear acupuncture, made from metal with adhesion paper for indwelling, was placed on both ears alternatively every week.This treatment will lasting for about 4 weeks. The acupoints chosen for this treatment are 'shinmun', 'lung', 'chim', and 'oral' points, which are known to be effective in smoking cessation. [note]The Effects of the Acupuncture Treatment for Smoking Cessation in,[/note]  

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